2017 – Lyon Images from our 29th annual meeting held in Lyon, France 2016 – Berkeley Theme Overview Moral judgments that justify or vilify different economic arrangements on the basis of some final value are extremely common in the social sciences. Since the beginning of political economy, market institutions have elicited strong and rival views across a broad spectrum of positions. Those who marvel at the coordinating power of the invisible […] 2015 – London Theme The first decade of the 21st century saw increased controversy over the degree of inequality in contemporary societies. This controversy grew more heated yet due to the fact that even after the financial crisis, the wealth and income of the rich continued to grow disproportionately in spite of their role in the crash. As […] 2015 – Porto Alegre Organization SASE: Society for the Advancement of Socio-­Economics UFRGS: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Center for International Governance Studies (CEGOV / UFRGS) In cooperation with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)   Theme Overview The global financial crisis of 2007-­‐2008, and the ensuing Great Recession, have discredited the market fundamentalist dogma that had […] 2014 – Chicago Theme What makes a market economy possible? Through multiple crises and recoveries, capitalism has proven to be an extraordinarily dynamic, durable and adaptive economic system. Market-allocation of goods and services has spread globally, encompassing developed and emerging economies alike, and subjecting the life-chances of billions of people to the logic of capitalism. Scholars recognize that […] 2013 – Mexico Theme Overview Recent studies and analyses have shown that economic growth in Latin America during the past decade has been accompanied by an improvement in income distribution and poverty reduction. The region has also gained ground in politics (toward democracy), and its governments have implemented strategies for (global) economic change. However, socio-economic deprivation in several […] 2013 – Milan Theme For more than a century now, states have intervened strongly in the face of crises in capitalism to deal with their social and economic consequences. States invented new models of regulation (Keynesianism) to deal with capitalist contradictions, socialized the huge losses booked by banks and large firms, changed policy instruments to correct market failures, […] 2012 – MIT Theme The rise of emerging-market economies marks the current phase of globalization. Large countries such as Brazil, China, and India are now vibrant engines of economic growth, such that in 2010 China overtook Japan to be the world’s second largest economy, and Brazil is set to be the fifth largest nation. To varying degrees, other […] 2011 – Madrid Theme Contemporary capitalism appears anything but stable. From the micro to the macro, from the local to the global, almost every element of socio-economic organization and governance is widely acknowledged to be in flux. The boundaries of firms and supply chains; the location of productive activity and the spatial division of labor; the regulation of […] 2010 – Philadelphia One year after a highly successful and thought-provoking conference in Paris on Capitalism in Crisis, SASE turns its attention to an issue underpinning current debates on our global economy and society. This year, the annual meeting will focus on emerging forms of transnational governance – public, private, and hybrid – in the global economy, examining […] 2009 – France Theme To paraphrase the ancient Chinese curse, we have the questionable privilege of living in interesting times. As the recent financial crisis made agonizingly clear, the future of capitalism is up for grabs and, at a minimum, the years of neoliberal triumph have come to an end. One craves a lantern at this dark and […] 2008 – San Jose Theme The theme of the SASE 2008 meeting is suggested by Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation. Polanyi interprets the history of industrial society in the 19th and 20th centuries in terms of a pendulum-like “double movement.” One side of that movement is toward free and flexible markets that underpin, and in some sense foster, the […]