
This section provides a description of each of SASE’s research networks and links to information for SASE’s network organizers.

Research networks provide a stable spine of research at the SASE conference. For information on establishing a new network, please consult the guidelines here.

A: Community, Democracy, and Organizations

This network focuses on the moral or values-based underpinnings of human thought, practices, and institutions that comprise civil societies, particularly as they relate to the participatory, collectivist, and democratic aspirations of organizations, markets, and other spaces of collaboration and contestation.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Katherine Chen
Victor Tan Chen
Amanda Barrett Cox
Philipp Degens
Paola Ometto
Joyce Rothschild (Advisor)
Marc Schneiberg
Jason Spicer
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

This network considers how, at a time of a polycrisis, domestic, transnational, and international institutions and markets influence the contours of developmental opportunities in the global economy and beyond.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Mark Dallas
Douglas Fuller
Lauren M. MacLean
Pon Souvannaseng
Caroline Arnold
Antonio Botelho
C: Gender, Work and Family

This network focuses on exploring the current state, and the changes in institutions concerned with gender and family roles and workplace organization.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Bernard Fusulier
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
D: Professions and Expertise

Through the Professions and expertise network we seek to develop critical analysis of the dynamics of professions and expertise.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Tracey L. Adams
James Faulconbridge
Elizabeth Gorman
Sigrid Quack
Leonard Seabrooke
E: Comparative Capitalisms

The aim of this network is to advance research on changing labor markets, industrial relations, and systems of social protection within the study of contemporary capitalisms.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Sabina Avdagic (deceased 2024)
Alexandre Afonso
Chiara Benassi
Pálma Polyák
Aidan Regan
F: KITE: Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship

This network focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship as well as its underlying technologies and knowledge sources. On these topics, we particularly welcome, but do not require an institutional perspective.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Matthew Allen
Andrea M. Herrmann
Matthew Keller
Cornelia Storz
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

The network welcomes contributions on the general issues of labor market segmentation, unemployment, and the link between training, skills and jobs.

Network Page
Network Organizers
David Marsden (1950-2021)
Martin Schneider
Karen Shire
Eunmi Mun
Wouter Zwysen
Gokce Basbug
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

This network focuses on the interrelationships between markets, firms, and institutions.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Melike Arslan
Tristan Auvray
Olivier Butzbach
Devika Narayan
Matt Vidal
I: Alternatives to Capitalism

The broad aim of this research network is to advance the international, comparative and interdisciplinary study of alternatives to capitalism.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Torsten Geelan
Lara Monticelli
J: Digital Economy

Digital technologies are contributing to radical, growing and unpredictable transformations of economic life, raising a broad range of new issues for scholars of the economy. This research network is dedicated to the study of these issues.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Thomas Beauvisage
Jean-Samuel Beuscart
Timur Ergen
Anne Jourdain
Vili Lehdonvirta
Kevin Mellet
Sidonie Naulin
Elke Schüßler
Zsuzsanna Vargha
K: Institutional Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

This network focuses on making work better through actor experimentation with institutions to regulate work.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Peter Fairbrother
Isabelle Ferreras
María González
Christian Lévesque
Gregor Murray
Nicolas Roby
Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau
L: Regulation and Governance

This network promotes the interdisciplinary study of regulation and governance at national and global levels.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Tim Bartley
John W. Cioffi
Ruthanne Huising
M: Spanish Language

A lively Spanish-speaking section that was established in 2011.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Laura Pérez Ortiz
Julimar da Silva Bichara
Ana Urraca-Ruiz
Ana Viñas Apaolaza
N: Finance and Society

The goal of this network is to promote cross-disciplinary dialogue on the study of finance and include perspectives from social sciences outside of economics.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Megan Doherty Bea
Daniel Maman
Simone Polillo
Lena Pellandini-Simanyi
O: Global Value Chains

This network aims to bring together social scientists interested in analyzing the causes and consequences of this offshoring-outsourcing phenomenon.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Matthew Alford
Jennifer Bair
Cornelia Staritz
Joonkoo Lee
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

This network focuses on the intersection of accounting, economics and law. Institutional design, rules and social norms are critical to the working of organizations in economy and society.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Reuven Avi-Yonah
Yuri Biondi
Shyam Sunder
Q: Asian Capitalisms

The basic idea of this first area network within SASE is to make Asia a central field of investigation for theories of institutional change and diversity of capitalism.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Tobias ten Brink
Nana de Graaff
Boy Lüthje
Wei Zhao
R: Islamic Moral Economy and Finance

This network aims at bringing scholars and practitioners together to consider and discuss the role of Islamic moral economy and Islamic finance in achieving its stated ideals by highlighting the tension areas as well as the dynamism observed in the practice of Islamic finance.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Mehmet Asutay
Necati Aydin
Zurina Shafii
S: Environment and Climate Change

This Network aspires to advance a broad, interdisciplinary, and critical dialogue on the interactions between the economy, society, and the environment.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Stéphanie Barral
Neil Fligstein
Ritwick Ghosh
Ian Gray
Simone Pulver
T: Health

This network focuses on the social scientific study of health, broadly defined. It explores four key areas: the embeddedness of health within broader economic, political, and social structures and systems, health equality and equity, organizing and the organization of health, and pricing and valuation of health. The network aims to foster an interdisciplinary community and promote cross-national comparisons in global health, including but not limited to studies about drugs, medicines, healthcare, community and public health, and health policy.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Larry Au
Kathryn Ibata-Arens
Etienne Nouguez
Wan-Zi Lu
Steve Casper
U: Postcolonialism and Legacies of Empire

This network is devoted to engaging the connections between imperialism, colonialism, racism, slavery, and capitalist expansion and global socio-economic development.

Network Page
Network Organizers
Julian Go
Alexandre White
Jason Jackson
Zophia Edwards