
SER Café

SER Café is a forum where you can virtually meet the authors of papers recently published in Socio-Economic Review (SER). The first SER Café of 2023 was held with Ekaterina Svetlova (University of Twente) and Akos Rona-Tas (UC San Diego) about the relationship between technology, economy, and society. Stay tuned for more events!

Great News! SER Impact Factor

New Impact Factor for SER! Hats off to Gregory Jackson and the SER editorial team!

SER Best Paper Prize

The SER Best Paper Prize goes to Jacob Apkarian for “Opposition to Shareholder Value: Bond Rating Agencies and Conflicting Logics in Corporate Finance,” Socioeconomic Review 16(1):85–112.

Interview with new SER Editor Julia Lynch

SASE interviews Julia Lynch on health care