
SASE New York – Alice Amsden Book Award Winner

The winner of the inaugural Alice Amsden Book Award of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics is…

In the Media

Sébastien Lechevalier (EHESS), Program Director of SASE/Kyoto 2018, comments in Le Monde on the Japanese view of the Carlos Ghosn affair.

Celebrating Alice Amsden – SASE Book Award

For those who have yet to encounter her formidable works, Alice Amsden was one of the most accomplished heterodox economists in the world, specialized in the field of economic development, as well as a consummate teacher.

Network I Organizer Lara Monticelli Garners Marie-Curie Fellowship!

Warm congratulations to Lara Monticelli for being awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship!

SER Paper by Graduate Student Barbara Kiviat Recognised with 3 Awards at 2018 ASA Meeting

“The Art of Deciding with Data: Evidence from How Employers Translate Credit Reports into Hiring Decisions” by SASE Early Career Workshop participant Barbara Kiviat was recognised with three awards at the 2018 annual American Sociological Association meeting!