by Joshua Cova (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies) Introduction With inflation rates peaking at 9% in the US, 11% in the UK, 10.6% in the Eurozone in 2022, numerous strikes and lockouts across countries and economic sectors as well as wars raging in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, one would […]
by Federico Jensen (Copenhagen Business School) The Contested World Economy: The Deep and Global Roots of International Political Economy by Eric Helleiner. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press. 2023, 306 pp. 29,99$ (paperback) 22,49$ (e-book) ISBN (online): 9781009337489. Every student who has taken an introduction to International Political Economy (IPE) course has learned about the three […]
by Federico Jensen (Copenhagen Business School) Global Production and the Current Geopolitical Moment The global production system is changing. In particular, doubt has been cast on China’s role as the “factory of the world.” The US government has been attempting to rebalance the US global trade equilibrium and its position in global supply chains […]
Santos Ruesga is Professor of Applied Economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the President of SASE in the 2022-2023 academic year. His specialization is the study of labor relations, the informal economy, and Latin American economies from macroeconomic and empirical perspectives. He has been a member of the SASE since 2006; served on SASE’s […]
Gábor Scheiring broadens the standard “culturalist” and “political-economic” views on illiberalism by framing them as dynamically related to one another
We are pleased to introduce the SASE blog’s 2021 editors