Pandemic Dossier


Gender and the Pandemic The SASE Women and Gender Forum has been compiling pandemic-related articles that specifically pertain to the gendered impact of COVID-19 in the world. Click through to access them Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 A new book that identifies key threads in the global comparative discussion that continue to shed light on COVID-19 and shape debates about what it means for scholarship in health and comparative politics Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, and François Dedieu on the Covid-19 Pandemic Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, and François Dedieu speak with SASE Executive Director Emerita Martha Zuber about their latest co-authored book, Covid-19: une crise organisationnelle The COVID-19 Innovation System Bhaven Sampat and Ken Shadlen on the shifting features behind the COVID-19 innovation system Think like a virus An intriguing read on three recent books about global health, via Public Books Division or Solidarity In Times of Lockdown English-language Sciences Po/ Oxford debate for the Nuit des idées 2021. The first panel is on “The Fate and Future of Women during the Pandemic” Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Pandemic Dossier “Solidarity against the Coronavirus” Access to OUP resources on COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and related topics As part of its response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic across the world, Oxford University Press has made content from online resources and leading journals freely accessible. America’s Chilling Experiment in Human Sacrifice An essay on what it means to have an economy that demands we die for it, by Lynn Parramore and Jeffrey L. Spear, courtesy of INET Social Europe Volume 3 This third volume of the biannual Social Europe book series focuses on the coronavirus crisis and related subjects. Carnet de l’EHESS, Perspectives sur le coronavirus A pandemic dossier in French from the EHESS. Public Books Pandemic Syllabus Public Books has put together an excellent pandemic syllabus, beginning with “the rhetoric of contagion and -demics” on Week 1, and ending with “COVID-19 and the path forward” on Week 11. FEPS COVID Response Papers The Foundation for European Progressive Studies offers policy ideas, analysis of the different proposals, and open-reflections with a new series of FEPS COVID Response Papers and the FEPS COVID Response Webinars. Robert Boyer on the Covid-19 Pandemic Robert Boyer speaks with SASE Executive Director Emerita Martha Zuber about his latest book, Les capitalismes à l’épreuve de la pandémie Covid-19 and the World of Work: The Impact of a Pandemic The European Trade Union Institute’s flagship publication, Benchmarking Working Europe, offers a free download of its 2020 publication, “Covid-19 and the world of work: the impact of a pandemic”.