

SASE Launches Annual Alice Amsden Book Award SASE will be celebrating its 30th anniversary at The New School from 27-29 June 2019 – and it’s launching an annual book award! Up to you to choose the contenders. Submission deadline: 15 January 2019 SASE/New York 2019: Networks and Mini-Conference Themes SASE/New York 2019 Networks and Mini-Conference Themes In Memoriam of James G. March Longtime SASE member, Erhard Friedberg, has graciously allowed us to reprint this text. Network I Organizer Lara Monticelli Garners Marie-Curie Fellowship! Warm congratulations to Lara Monticelli for being awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie post-doctoral fellowship! Marie Piganiol awarded RIODD-VIGEO EIRIS prize 2018 SASE would like to extend its congratulations to Marie Piganiol who has been awarded the "Prix de thèse RIODD VIGEO EIRIS 2018" SASE/New York 2019: Submissions Detailed information for submitting a proposal, including the option to setup a "Free Account" that enables you to access the submission system. Deadline extended to: 28 January 2019 SASE/New York 2019: Conference Theme The conference theme for our 2019 annual meeting at The New School, New York is Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined. SER Paper by Graduate Student Barbara Kiviat Recognised with 3 Awards at 2018 ASA Meeting “The Art of Deciding with Data: Evidence from How Employers Translate Credit Reports into Hiring Decisions” by SASE Early Career Workshop participant Barbara Kiviat was recognised with three awards at the 2018 annual American Sociological Association meeting!  ASA Section Elections: Economic Sociology The results of the 2018 ASA elections are in, and we would like to offer our congratulations to SASE Executive Council member Emily Barman  in her new role as Chair-Elect. The New School Hosts SASE June 27-29, 2019 Here are some must reads related to this venerable institution. SASE/Kyoto 2018: Broadening Horizons! A roundup of activities, images, and events from our 30th annual meeting in Kyoto, Japan. Don't miss the photos! A Warm Welcome to SASE Kyoto! SASE attendees were honored by a special performance of the Ayakasa Boko celebrity troupe that gave a dance which can be traced back to the 18th century, when it was practiced by the people of Mibu-mura. The music was provided by bells, drums, and flutes. In The Media! SASE President Akos Rona-Tas gave a series of lectures at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany, that was reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Congratulations to Gregory Jackson and Richard Deeg Their paper "Comparing Capitalisms: Understanding Institutional Diversity and its Implications for International Business" selected as the winner of the 2018 JIBS Decade Award! SASE Kyoto Conference now underway We are delighted to welcome all of our scholars to the 30th annual SASE conference, which is now underway. Find out how to follow the event here. MaxPo Think Notes Check out the Think Notes from the MaxPo 5th anniversary conference, "Destabilizing Orders: Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism". Newly Elected SASE Officers We are delighted to announce the results of the SASE elections for President, Treasurer, and Executive Council. Interview with new SER Editor Julia Lynch SASE interviews Julia Lynch on health care Gregory de St. Maurice’s Kyoto Recommendations Gregory de St. Maurice is a cultural anthropologist, food studies, and Japanese studies researcher. We asked for his top tips for SASE members visiting Kyoto this June. 2018 SASE/Kyoto Early Career Workshop Participants We are delighted to present the awardees who will participate in the 2018 SASE/Kyoto Early Career Workshop. SASE Kyoto Program Available to Download The complete PDF program for SASE’s 30th Annual Conference, hosted by Doshisha University, is now available. A Grand Prix Former SASE President Patrick Le Galès has been honored with the prestigious CNRS Silver Medal In Memoriam William C. Frederick Early SASE President William C. Frederick has passed away at the age of 92. SASE/Kyoto Presidential Panels Take a look at the carefully curated panels to be featured at our Kyoto conference! SASE Kyoto Flight Discount Discounted airfares are now available for our annual meeting in Kyoto, Japan. Career Opportunities! Ever more opportunities for researchers at all stages of their careers, courtesy of our friend Oleg Komlik at Economic Sociology and Political Economy SASE Early Career Workshop Alumnus Publishes Prize Paper in the Journal of Cultural Economy Click through to read Théo Bourgeron's paper, "Optimising ‘cash flows’: converting corporate finance to hard currency" Author-Meets-Critics Book Sessions We are very happy to announce this year's Author-Meets-Critics book panels! Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Museum of Art Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art a small museum in the town Oyamazaki, a few stations outside of Kyoto by local train, is known for its collection of ceramics, paintings, and crafts. In what other museum will you find works by Bernard Leach, Claude Monet, Kanjiro Kawai, and Shoji Hamada? This museum opened to […] What to do in Kyoto Are you wondering how you can spend your time in Kyoto beyond the SASE annual conference? Several of our members know the ancient city very well and will be providing us with some great ideas of what you can do while in Japan. Keep checking back as more recommendations roll in! Fukujuen Tea Store Located at the intersection of Shijo and Tominokoji streets, tea company Fukujuen’s flagship Kyoto store offers a variety of green teas and experiences, including the opportunity to make your own tea blend, participate in the tea ceremony, learn about and taste different types of Japanese tea, and even eat a meal based around green tea. […] Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine (伏見稲荷大社) is the head shrine of the god Inari, located in Fushimi Ward in Kyoto. The shrine sits at the base of a mountain also named Inari which is 233 metres (764 ft) above sea level, and includes trails up the mountain to many smaller shrines. In the 1300 years since its establishment […] Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion) Kinkakuji is a Zen temple in northern Kyoto whose top two floors are completely covered in gold leaf. Ogawa Coffee Ogawa Coffee (京都駅店) is perfect for those who have some free time before travelling. Situated inside Kyoto station this coffee shop offers a range of sweets and quality coffee, with the added bonus of being able to make use of the free station WiFi. Address: Japan, 〒600-8216 Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Higashishiokojicho, 地下鉄京都駅コンコース 中央1改札口北側コトチカ京都内 (Google […] Tofukuji Temple Tofukuji temple (東福寺) is the head temple of the Tofukuji School of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. It was built in 1236 on the instructions of Kujo Michiie, the great statesman of the Kamakura period, who desired to build in Kyoto a temple complexes in Nara. Even its name, Tofukuji, is a combination of […] Funaoka Onsen Public Baths Located in northwest Kyoto, Funaoka Onsen (船岡温泉) is one of the best places in the city to take the plunge and try the Japanese sento (public bath) experience. Be sure to check out the ranma (carved wooden panels) in the changing room. Carved during Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, the panels offer insight into the prevailing […] Philosopher’s Path The Philosopher's Path is a pleasant stone path along a canal which is lined by hundreds of cherry trees. Hakuunan Vegetarian Restaurant Hakuunan (黄檗普茶料理 白雲庵) may be a little far from the centre of Kyoto, about 1 hour away from our hosts Doshisha University by public transport, but it is a vegetarian restaurant serving Fucha style of Shojin temple cuisine introduced from China in the 17th century by the priest Ingen. For a beatiful, delicious meal and […] Tenkaippin Ramen Shop Tenkaippin (天下一品) is a Japanese institution – a ramen food chain with over 200 branches in Japan and Hawai’i, famed for its especially thick soup (こってり). In Kyoto you can visit the first ever Tenkaippin restaurant which began the empire. Address: Japan, 〒606-8175 Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto, Sakyo Ward, Ichijoji Tsukidacho, 94 メゾン白川 (Google Maps) Kafe Kosen Kafe Kosen (KAFE工船) is just a fifteen minute walk from our host institution, Doshisha University. Famed for being featured in Merry White’s ‘Coffee Life in Japan‘ as an example of the vibrant café society that has been a mainstay of Japanese culture for years, Kosen offers meticulously prepared single origin coffee.” Address: Japan, 〒602-0841 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, […] Elephant Factory Coffee Elephant Factory Coffee is a quiet, hidden café near Kawaramachi street. Known for the care and patience taken when preparing their coffee, this establishment is a sanctuary tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Kyoto city centre. Address: 309-4 Bizenjimacho, Nakagyo-ku | 2F HK Bldg., Kyoto 604-8023, Kyoto Prefecture (Google Maps) Francois Cafe Francois Café (うフランソア喫茶) in the Shijyo Kobashi district of Kyoto opened its doors in 1934 and immediately distinguished itself through its style, curated by founders Shinichi Tanino and Shiro Takagi. Stained glass windows, an elegant dome white ceiling, and red velvet chairs offered a a luxurious salon style café from the beginning. Come here for […] Takimoto Liquor Store Takimoto Liquor Store ((株)タキモト)  is a five minute walk from Gojo Station on the Karasuma subway line, facing Rokujo-dori. The shop is overflowing with sake not just from Kyoto, but from all over the country. They keep the quality by using huge refrigerators and rooms kept at low temperatures so you can buy sake in […]