

Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies: Interview with Bruno Palier An English-language interview with Bruno Palier on his latest book, "Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies. How have Growth Regimes Evolved?" co-edited with Anke Hassel The COVID-19 Innovation System Bhaven Sampat and Ken Shadlen on the shifting features behind the COVID-19 innovation system Alice Amsden Book Award The Alice Amsden Best Book Award committee considers books submitted by a SASE member with a first edition publication date from one to two years prior to the next annual conference date, and which are not edited volumes, with the aim of selecting an outstanding scholarly book that breaks new ground in the study of […] Think like a virus An intriguing read on three recent books about global health, via Public Books Division or Solidarity In Times of Lockdown English-language Sciences Po/ Oxford debate for the Nuit des idées 2021. The first panel is on “The Fate and Future of Women during the Pandemic” Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Pandemic Dossier “Solidarity against the Coronavirus” CfP for Special Issue on “Informality and Undeclared Work” The Journal of World Economy/Revista de Economía Mundial has issued a call for contributions to its 2022 Special Issue on “Informality and Undeclared Work” SASE 2020 Featured Events Recordings Recordings of the Featured Events from our 2020 conference are now on our YouTube channel, alongside a number of other videos, such as an interview with 2020 Alice Amsden Best Book award winner Alice Quinn. Access to OUP resources on COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and related topics As part of its response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic across the world, Oxford University Press has made content from online resources and leading journals freely accessible. America’s Chilling Experiment in Human Sacrifice An essay on what it means to have an economy that demands we die for it, by Lynn Parramore and Jeffrey L. Spear, courtesy of INET Social Europe Volume 3 This third volume of the biannual Social Europe book series focuses on the coronavirus crisis and related subjects. Carnet de l’EHESS, Perspectives sur le coronavirus A pandemic dossier in French from the EHESS. Public Books Pandemic Syllabus Public Books has put together an excellent pandemic syllabus, beginning with “the rhetoric of contagion and -demics” on Week 1, and ending with “COVID-19 and the path forward” on Week 11. FEPS COVID Response Papers The Foundation for European Progressive Studies offers policy ideas, analysis of the different proposals, and open-reflections with a new series of FEPS COVID Response Papers and the FEPS COVID Response Webinars. Robert Boyer on the Covid-19 Pandemic Robert Boyer speaks with SASE Executive Director Emerita Martha Zuber about his latest book, Les capitalismes à l’épreuve de la pandémie Covid-19 and the World of Work: The Impact of a Pandemic The European Trade Union Institute’s flagship publication, Benchmarking Working Europe, offers a free download of its 2020 publication, “Covid-19 and the world of work: the impact of a pandemic”. Network O’s GVC Conversations 2021 Webinar Series Network O (Global Value Chains) is hosting a webinar series that will take place monthly through the spring, and perhaps beyond! Pandemic Dossier SASE has begun compiling a dossier on the COVID-19 pandemic. Click through for more. Digit Marie Jahoda Visiting Fellowships and PhD Studentships Digit is now accepting applications for its Marie Jahoda Visiting Fellowship, as well as for two studentships. Career Opportunities It’s back! Our jobs board is full of postings with a range of deadlines. Click through for more.


1st International Workshop on Informality and Undeclared Employment SASE-RISE proudly presents the 1st International Workshop on Informality and Undeclared Employment: "Precariousness and Care in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Special Reference to Latin America", taking place 24-26 November 2020. Gender differences in COVID-19 attitudes and behavior: Panel evidence from eight countries The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (US) has published an article citing large gender differences in COVID-19−related beliefs and behaviors. The authors say this behavioral factor contributes to substantial gender differences in mortality and is consistent with women-led countries responding more effectively to the pandemic. Post-Conference Dispatch Former Executive Director Martha Zuber looks back on the 2020 virtual conference Introducing SASE Executive Director Annelies Fryberger & the New Host of SASE’s Office: MPIfG SASE is proud to announce its new Executive Director, Annelies Fryberger. Annelies is already hard at work in SASE's new office at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany. 2020 Elinor Ostrom Prize This year's winners are Elise S. Brezis and Joël Cariolle, for their article “The Revolving Door, State Connections, and Inequality of Influence in the Financial Sector,” published in the August 2019 issue of Journal of Institutional Economics. Equity in Science: Representation, Culture, and the Dynamics of Change in Graduate Education Julie R. Posselt discusses her new book, which illustrates the patterns of bias against scholars and graduate students who are not white men, as well as it presents numerous efforts to improve and diversify science. English review of a German book on the radical feminist Käthe Schirmacher The book's authors see Schirmacher as the embodiment of the transformation of European society around 1900. Declines in Women’s Research Productivity during COVID-19 A new study of enormous scale supports what numerous smaller studies have demonstrated throughout the pandemic: female academics are taking extended lockdowns on the chin, in terms of their comparative scholarly productivity. Token Women’s Voices in Male-Dominated Teams When there is a token female in a team of all males, does she speak up with suggestions and concerns related to the team task? And if she does, when are her ideas acted upon by the team and does this matter for team performance? Viviana Zelizer Receives Honorary Doctorate from Sciences Po Praise by Jeanne Lazarus - SASE member and newsletter Faculty Editor. Martha Zuber: An Unconventional Life in the World of Ideas SASE Past-President Jonathan Zeitlin invited Martha to answer a series of questions about her life history. She responded to these questions with an elegant autobiographical essay, which SASE is honored to publish on its website. Women and Gender Forum: News One of WAG's major aims is to stimulate discussion on important issues of the day such as work/life/health balance, challenges of publishing, leadership roles and career progression. You will also find a running list of selected articles and data collections. Call for 2021 Mini-Conference Themes Click through to consult the call for 2021 Mini-Conference themes. Deadline for submission of proposals: 10 October 2020. SASE 2020 Award Winners We're proud to announce this year's winners of the 'Alice Amsden Best Book Award' and 'Socio-Economic Review Best Paper Prize'. Sex and Socialism Three recent books tell the stories of four women whose lives both absorbed and propelled the vast, multifaceted socialist movement in Britain from 1870 to 1920: Lizzie Burns, Nellie Dowell, Muriel Lester, and Eleanor Marx. SASE Office Moves to the MPIfG The SASE office is moving to the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne! Something’s Got to Give Women's journal submission rates fell as their caring responsibilities jumped due to COVID-19. Without meaningful interventions, the trend is likely to continue. 2020 Treasurer Special Election Results We are delighted to announce that Nina Bandelj (University of California, Irvine) has been re-elected as SASE Treasurer. She will serve her second two-year term from 2020-2022. How to Participate in SASE’s Virtual Conference A brief outline of how to connect to and participate in the virtual conference SASE Successes Congratulations are in order for SASE Treasurer Nina Bandelj and SASE Newsletter Editor-in-Chief Laura Adler! Preliminary At-A-Glance Calendar Available Discover some highlights of the virtual conference program, with more to come! Quarantine Dispatches from Latin America Two dispatches from SASE members in Latin America, Marta Castilho and Clemente Ruiz Durán. SASE 2020 Presidential Panels The SASE 2020 Program Committee has put together what are sure to be fascinating featured panel sessions. Call for Nominations for SASE’s 3rd Annual Alice Amsden Book Award SASE invites nominations for its 3rd annual Alice Amsden Book Award for an outstanding scholarly book that breaks new ground in the study of socio-economics. Interview with Working Group on Greening co-chair Dave Elder-Vass SASE Network Organizer Dave Elder-Vass, specialist of the digital, weighs in on going virtual. Transitioning Employers: A survey of policies and practices for trans inclusive workplaces Étienne Ollion on AI Etienne Ollion, CNRS researcher, fluidly leads us through the underpinnings of AI. Covid-19 and Inequalities at Work: A Gender Lens Inequality is neither random nor unfortunate; it is structurally engineered, legally enforced, and politically and ideologically driven.