XV CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL STUDIES OF THE ECONOMY: The State and the market – Tensions between antagonism and complementarity in a world in crisis

Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales
Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Economía


The State and the market

Tensions between antagonism and complementarity in a world in crisis

4-8 November, 2024.
Escuela IDAES/UNSAM, Buenos Aires


The Social Studies of the Economy constitute an interdisciplinary field that revitalizes the Social Sciences’ tradition by questioning the established disciplinary jurisdiction that separates the processes and objects considered as strictly “economic” from those classified as “social,” “political,” “cultural” and “moral”.

Ever since the first Conference on Social Studies of the Economy was held in 2006, this event has grown into an interdisciplinary arena including students, fellows and researchers from disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political science, history or economy from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, France and the United States, among other countries. The Conference on Social Studies of Economics represents the consolidation of an intellectual field that encourages creative empirical and theorical research about economic processes and objects, debating with the neoclassical-orthodox economics.

In 2024, the XV edition of the Conference of Social Studies of the Economy “The state and the market. Tensions between antagonism and complementarity in a world in crisis” aims to recover, discuss and problematize the complex and central relationship between the state and the market, a topic of growing relevance not only locally, but also globally and regionally. In an international context of geopolitical disputes with Asia, especially with China, the developed countries are calling for economic protectionism in order to lead the “green and digital” economy. In Latin America, on the other hand, various actors are seeking to reduce the influence of the State in the economy and society, extolling the market as the most efficient allocator of natural, material, and symbolic resources.


Against this backdrop, the conference aims to discuss development models; the configuration of social inequality and its recent transformations; the dynamics of indebtedness in the State, households, and firms; the monetary and financial repertoires of individuals; the intricate linkages between states and markets; the economic and political actions of companies and business actors; the popular economy and informal and illegal markets, among others. Resuming current dialogues between regional researchers, the conference seeks to settle itself as an arena to rethink the multiple ways in which we theorize and practice Economic Sociology in Latin America, as well as to strengthen the dialogues that we establish with academics from all over the world.

The CESE conference has important institutional support and seeks to strengthen networks between researchers and students from Argentina and Latin America and the rest of the world. The conference is sponsored by the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). In addition, the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) will provide mobility grants to attend the conference.



Organizing team: Esteban Serrani, Verónica Pérez, Leandro Navarro Rocha, Lucas Iramain, Javier Pérez Ibáñez, Bruno Pérez Almansi, Débora Ascencio.

The purpose of the working group is to welcome reflections on the concept of development and its problems from a comprehensive theoretical-methodological approach, capable of transcending the limitations of both the state-centric and the sociocentric perspectives. Special emphasis will be placed on studies that address the interactions between the State and different social actors as an explanatory matrix to account for both the conditions of possibility and the restrictions on economic and social development, particularly in the case of Latin America. Likewise, the working group seeks to look into these interactions in the case of certain strategic economic sectors, such as energy, transportation, public services, the information economy, the steel and automotive industry, and so forth.

1.1. Economic Intervention of the State in the Economy
1.2. Analysis of Strategic Economic Sectors
1.3. Energy Transition, Climate Change, and Environment
1.4. Global Value Chains, Substitute Models, and Export-led Models
1.5. Digitalization and 4.0 Economy
1.6. Economic thought and development model

Contact: ejemodelosdedesarrollo@unsam.edu.ar


Organizing team: Alejandro Gaggero, Marina Dossi, Gustavo Motta, Alejandro Dulitzky, Marcelo Panero, Juan Arrarás, Francisco D’Alessio.

The relevance that markets have held in the ordering and dynamics assumed by contemporary societies is indisputable. Within this juncture, businessmen/women have assumed a crucial role, which allows them to occupy strategic positions in the social structure, concentrate a large amount of power and have the capacity to influence policy. The purpose of this working group is to analyze the configuration, dynamics and actions acquired by different types of markets, companies, individuals, and representative associations within the business realm. Based on a sociological perspective, the analytical framework will allow us to understand not only the peculiarities inherent to markets and business actors but also their influence on the development of current political, economic and social phenomena.

2.1. The Political and Cultural dimension of markets
2.2. State, politics and markets
2.3. Expertise, socio-technical devices and morality in the social construction of markets
2.4. Changes in the business elite
2.5. Corporate representation and associations
2.6. The political and social action of business actors
2.7. Business actors and sectoral dynamics

Contact: ejeempresasyempresarios@unsam.edu.ar


Organizing team: Mariana Heredia, Lorena Poblete, Luisina Perelmiter, Gabriela Benza, Gabriel Obradovich, Federico Reche, Beatriz Álvarez, Tomás Nogués, Martín Oliva, Soledad García Sosa.

Social inequalities, in their different manifestations (class, ethnicity, gender, education, access to health, work, or justice), represent one of the main characteristics of contemporary societies. We expect to discuss how the State and the market -through their multiple institutions and agents- participate in the production of different forms of inequality, worsening or reducing them. Reflections from the plurality of approaches considered within economic sociology and the political economy are welcome.

3.1. Innovations on class theory and social inequalities
3.2. Globalization, financialization and changes in inequality
3.3. State bureaucracies and the design and implementation of social policies
3.4 Housing, health, education and care dynamics between the market and the State
3.5 The State and regulation of social inequalities
3.6 Conflicts over labor regulation: between the State, markets and workers
3.7. Taxes, society, and the State

Contact: ejeestructurasocial@unsam.edu.ar


Organizing team: Martina Baglietto, Pablo Figueiro, Martín Hornes, Pablo Nemiña, Fernando Moyano, Florencia Labiano, Mariana Luzzi, María Soledad Sánchez, Emilia Val.

In recent decades, societies have been transformed by the leading role of finance in the forms of valorization and accumulation of capital at a global level, as well as by the growing presence of financial devices and institutions in people’s daily lives. The advance of financialization has revitalized research and discussion on the nature of money and finance, its current political-institutional configuration, the production of indebtedness practices, and relationships among individuals, families, companies, and states. This working group proposes a space for discussion on research that addresses the following topics from the social sciences, theoretically or empirically.

4.1. Financial markets, institutions and devices
4.2. Public and private indebtedness
4.3. Monetary and financial repertories: payments, savings and investments
4.4. Domestic indebtedness dynamics and consumer patterns
4.5. Social uses and meanings of money
4.6. Expert and ordinary forms of financial calculation, evaluation and valuation
4.7. Financial markets and new forms of inequality
4.8. New organizations, devices and digital instruments

Contact: ejefinanzasdeudaysociedad@unsam.edu.ar


Organizing team: Lorena Poblete, Marco Mallamaci, Pablo Gordon Daluz.

The expansion of digital infrastructures is expressed in the economic space, in the strengthening of business models focused on the production and processing of data, in the emergence of labor relations crossed by mechanisms of automation and control of algorithms, in the demand for services, and in a multiplicity of payment instruments and digital exchange. Likewise, it is revealed in the dynamics, alliances, and business conflicts that reconfigure the market structure. In this sense, the Digital Economy could be read as a wide field of disputes, in the different perspectives that cross this concept and in the consequent evolution of relations and tensions between sectors, classes, economic groups, as well as the international division of labor and modes of accumulation. This Group intends to analyze, from a socio-economic perspective, the transformations, problems and challenges that this process implies in the Argentine and Latin American contexts.

5.1. Labor and capital in platform economies
5.2. Platform companies
5.3. Economy and Artificial Intelligence
5.4 The State and the regulatory frameworks
5.5. Digitalization and financial markets: Crypto-assets, digital banking, digital currencies
5.6. E-commerce and gaming economy
5.7. Methodological aspects in the social studies of the digital economy

Contact: ejeeconomiadigital@unsam.edu.ar


Organizing team: Camila Barón, Flora Partenio, Florencia Pizzo, María de las Nieves Puglia, Malena Rubinstein.

In the 1980s, feminist economics emerged as a discipline that challenged the theoretical, epistemological and methodological foundations of the neoclassical and androcentric perspective. The inclusion of the gender dimension in economic analysis made it possible to identify different forms of inequality, violence and experiences of the economy. Some years later, relational economic sociology made significant contributions through research that placed the household at the centre of the analysis of economic phenomena.

This working group aims to bring together empirical and/or theoretical work that promotes the articulation between economic sociology and the gender perspective, whether through the analysis of domestic economic dynamics, of the state, of the market, of civil society organizations and/or in the interplay between these spaces.

6.1. Life sustainability and care
6.2. Household indebtedness, finance and economic strategies
6.3. Development, markets and gender
6.4. Labor market and trade unionism
6.5. Public policies, social security and gender
6.6. Know-how and discourses in dispute

Contact: ejeeconomiaygenero@unsam.edu.ar


– Deadline for short abstract submission: July 19, 2024

– Notifications of proposals acceptance: August 20, 2024
– Deadline for extended abstracts: October 11, 2024
– Conference: November 14-18, 2024


– The process consists of two parts. First, the abstract submission and, upon acceptance, the extended abstract.
– First, an abstract (250 words max.), including the title and 3 keywords. It should indicate the general topic, the objective and preliminary results of the work.
– If accepted, an extended version of between 4000 and 5000 words, excluding references (7-10 pages approx.), should be sent.
– Both texts can be in Spanish, Portuguese or English.


Short abstracts and extended versions should be sent only through this form:
[Submission Form]

The contact e-mails of the working groups are to solve queries and for the subsequent organization of the conference, but abstracts will not be accepted by this means. The following information should be included:

– Title
– Author/s and their/s institutional affiliation
– 5 key words
– Two options of working group and main topics should be selected on the online form
– Original text
– Contact e-mail
– A file including all the information and the abstract should be attached.

The file name should indicate the working group number and the author/s last name. For example: EJE1_Autor.


– ARS10,000 for Argentine residents. Students and researchers from IDAES/UNSAM obtain a 20% discount.
– USD20 for foreign residents.


Mobility grants to attend the Conference funded by the Young Scholars Initiative will be available. The grants:

– Are aimed at young researchers from Argentina and Latin America who do not live in Buenos Aires.
– Cover travel costs to UNSAM, which must be duly accounted.
– Will be subject to the selection of the Organizing Committee based on demand and quotas of gender, region and thematic areas.
– Once the abstracts have been selected, we will inform the means to apply for the mobility grants.


Débora Ascencio, Martina Baglietto, Francisco D´Alessio, Soledad García Sosa, Fernando Moyano, Leandro Navarro Rocha, Tomás Nougues, Bruno Perez Almansi, Malena Rubinstein, Emilia Val.

Contact: CESE.eidaes@unsam.edu.ar


Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Economía


CLACSO – Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales
YSI – Young Scholars Initiative
