Santos Ruesga is Professor of Applied Economics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has taught in numerous academic centers in multiple countries in Europe (Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, etc.), North America (Mexico and USA), Latin America (Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, etc.), and Asia (China and Japan). As a researcher in socio-economics, he has specialized in the study of labor relations, the informal economy, and Latin American economies, from macroeconomic and empirical perspectives. On these topics, he has published a large number of books and articles in academic and professional journals and has participated in more than a hundred international and national scientific congresses. He is also a prolific organizer of scientific events, serving on numerous scientific councils at international congresses and meetings, and participating in more than a dozen editorial and advisory boards of scientific journals in various countries.
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Marta Reis Castilho holds a Ph.D. in International Economics (1999) from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Master’s degree in Industrial Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1994). Currently, she is a Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where she is the executive coordinator of the Research Group on Industry and Competitiveness (GIC) and the Adjoint Director for Graduate Studies at the Institute of Economics. During the academic year of 2018-2019, she was a visiting researcher at the Complutense Institute for International Studies, Madrid. She has worked as a consultant for several international or national organisms such as ECLAC, ITC/WTO-UNCTAD, and IPEA (Institute for Applied Economics Research, Brazil). Most of her research focuses on international trade, productive structure, and commercial policy issues, with emphasis on Brazil and other Latin American countries. Among her recent research projects, it figures studies on the determinants of the integration of countries into global value chains and the social and gender impacts of trade specialization and agreements.
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Prof. Katherine K. Chen’s research specialties cover organizational studies and economic sociology. Her award-winning book, Enabling Creative Chaos: The Organization Behind the Burning Man Event, shows how an enabling organization can support members’ efforts without succumbing to either under-organizing’s insufficient structure and coordination or over-organizing’s excessive structure and coercive control. Additional articles on prosumption, storytelling, and communification have appeared in American Behavioral Scientist, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Qualitative Sociology, The Sociological Quarterly, and other journals.
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Ying Chen is Assistant Professor of Economics at the New School and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her work mainly explores the contradictions within capitalism and how they exhibit themselves across time and places. Topics she has studied include economic development, labor, and climate change, with a special focus on the global south. She has published in journals including Environment and Development Economics, Economics and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Labor and Society, Review of Radical Political Economics, International Review of Applied Economics, etc.
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Timur Ergen is a senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. He works at the intersection of economic sociology and political economy with a special focus on state intervention in the economy. His research investigates antitrust policy, energy transitions, industrial and technology policy, and the history of the postindustrial society. Timur is currently working on a book project on the question of how deindustrialization changed the politics of state intervention in Germany and the United States. He is a co-organizer of SASE research network J: Digital Economy.
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Nana de Graaff is Associate Professor in International Relations at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her main research interests are within International Relations, International Political Economy and Elite Studies (political sociology). Her particular research fields are Chinese political and economic elites, the globalization of Chinese firms and Chinese engagements with Europe; American political and economic elites and US foreign policy, US-China relations, and the politics and political economy of oil. She publishes in leading journals in International Relations, International Political Economy, and Sociology (e.g. Review of International Political Economy, European Journal of International Relations, International Affairs, Global Networks) and with publishers like Routledge and Cambridge University Press.
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Eunmi Mun is an Assistant Professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research investigates corporate responses to anti-discrimination laws and family policies in Japan. She is most interested in understanding how those policies are implemented at the workplace level, as well as their impact on gender inequality. Developing this stream of research, she is currently working on a comparative project to examine the implementation of parental leave policies across different policy contexts. She has also investigated the local interpretation of global pressures. Specifically, she examines how large Japanese firms respond to the global norm of corporate social responsibility and the rising pressure to adopt practices from liberal market economies, and whether and to what extent they modify traditional Japanese corporate governance and employment practices. Finally, she has been actively participating in international collaboration with scholars from different countries. In particular, she is part of Comparative Organizational and Institutional Network (COIN), which is composed of scholars from 15 countries, who analyze the patterns of inequality using employer-employee linked data. COIN’s on-going projects examine cross-national variation in gender wage gap and the growing segregation between top earners and bottom earners at workplaces.
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Zsuzsanna Vargha is Associate Professor in Management Control at ESCP Business School in France. After her PhD in sociology at Columbia University, she was postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and at the LSE Department of Accounting, and taught at the University of Leicester in the UK. As the Editor of Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter in 2015-2016, she published thematic issues on the social studies of accounting, finance and insurance. More recently, she was Visiting Professor at the Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies.
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Natascha van der Zwan is an Assistant Professor in Public Administration at Leiden University. She does comparative and historical research on financialization and pension systems, investment rules and regulations, and sustainable finance. Her publications include the 2014 article “Making Sense of Financialization” (Socio-Economic Review) which has become a key article in scholarship on financialization. Natascha is co-editor (with Philip Mader and Daniel Mertens) of the Routledge International Handbook of Financialization (2020) and member of the editorial board for the interdisciplinary journal Competition & Change. In 2020, she won a prestigious NORFACE grant for the project “Democratic governance of funded pension schemes” (DEEPEN; with Karen Anderson, Juan Fernandez and Tobias Wiss). She obtained a Ph.D. in Political Science from the New School for Social Research in 2012. Prior to joining Leiden University, she held positions at Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) and the University of Amsterdam. Natascha has been a SASE member for more than 10 years and is affiliated with Networks E (Political Economy of Industrial Relations and Welfare States) and N (Finance and Society). In 2020, she co-organized a SASE mini-conference “The Welfare State in Financial Times”, together with Jeanne Lazarus (Sciences Po) and Daniel Mertens (University of Osnabrück).
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