Fondation France-Japon EHESS Young Researcher Awards

The EHESS Fondation France-Japon has very generously provided funding for 5 Young Researcher Travel Awards (for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers), financing round-trip tickets to SASE’s Annual Meeting in Kyoto. Additionally, SASE membership and conference fees are waived for prizewinners.

We are delighted to present the Young Researchers and their paper titles below.

Gabriel Chiu, “Neoliberalism with Chinese Characteristics: The Spirit of Entrepreneurship in Beijing”

Min Young Song, “Can Mothers Work Now? : The Expansion of Work-Life Balance Policies and the Employment Status of Women Having Young Children in South Korea”

Sebastian Diessner, “The Spectre of Central Bankruptcy in Europe and Japan: Towards a Political Economy of Central Bank Capital”

Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti, “Re-Defining Islamic Corporate Governance in Creating Participatory Society: An Islamic Moral Economy Perspective” (with co-authors Hajime Kamiyama and Mohammad Ali Tareq)

Fumihito Gotoh, “Normative Constraints: Why Japan Resisted Financial Globalisation Unlike China”

kyoto event