

Julia Lynch on Health Inequality In a continuation of our quarantine dispatches, health policy regime specialist Julia Lynch shares some thoughts on the attempts and failures of states to confront the problem of health inequality generated by underlying socio-economic inequities. Santos Ruesga on Madrid’s Slow Reopening The latest quarantine dispatch, from Network M and SASE/RISE organizer Santos Ruesga Ruha Benjamin Ruha Benjamin (Princeton University) - "Race after Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code" SASE Founder Amitai Etzioni on Covid-19 "The Nazi's did not stop me, I survived three years of fighting during the 1948 war. I'd be damned if I let a virus stop me." What Does It Take to Get Women Elected? If women’s suffrage was the battle of the twentieth century, women’s representation will be the battle of the twenty-first. Dispatches from Quarantine Two more dispatches from former SASE presidents who live in coronavirus hotspots on both sides of the Atlantic, Nancy DiTomaso and David Marsden. SASE News SASE’s first ever virtual conference is taking place from 18-21 July 2020. To learn more, download the PDF program or browse the online program. If you are not presenting at the conference but would like to sit in on sessions, you can access the 4-day virtual conference by becoming a member of SASE! We are […] 2020 WAG 2020 SS4RW 2020 Program Life Under Lockdown We asked two former SASE presidents, Christine Musselin and Gary Herrigel, to share their thoughts on a Paris and Chicago transformed by the pandemic. On the Bookshelf SASE is an international organization with members around the globe, reading thousands of books related to socio-economics every year across topics and languages. To get a sense of what is on SASE member’s minds, the newsletter editors asked leading scholars to share their thoughts on books they read recently. Juliet Schor, Boston College Kevin Mellet, […] Recent PhDs in Socio-Economics: New Research Paths Emerging scholars—including graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and junior faculty—are critical members of the SASE community, building on existing theories and identifying the subjects that will shape the field in years to come. We asked some recent graduates to share summaries of the dissertation work with SASE readers.   How Humanitarian Relief “Works”: International Aid Organizations […] Life, Economy, and Economic Emergencies Federico Neiburg is Professor of. Social Anthropology at Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, and is currently a member of the School of Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. He has recently edited the volumes The Real Economy (with Jane Guyer), A Cultural History of Money in the Age of Empire (with Nigel Dodd), and […] Social Sciences and the Real World Social Scientists and the Real World Since the origins of the social sciences, scholars have been picking up the loose threads left behind by others and collecting clues in order to discover not only the answers but also the questions. We rely on our colleagues’ criticism to improve our research and we depend on collaborations […] SASE Network Spotlight: Network R – Islamic Moral Economy and Finance The tensions between “economy” and “society” stand at the heart of SASE’s agenda. One of the most fascinating of these tensions can be found in the relations between capitalist institutions or ideologies and religious beliefs, which is manifesting in the research on religious economics in Islam.  Surprised by the size of Muslim finance, and curious […] Gender and Wealth Accumulation Mini-Conference at SASE’s Virtual Conference As known to all scholars and conference participants, COVID-19 has taken a toll on our ability to meet and share research this year. In the shift to SASE’s virtual format, the Gender and Wealth Accumulation mini-conference will focus on two main panels, with more expanded meetings planned for the future. COVID-19 Is Changing What It Means to Be a Doctor American medicine has long functioned as an elitist institution, putting professional prestige over the well-being of patients and physicians alike. It’s time doctors unite behind the fight for health justice. SASE Network Spotlight: Network J – Digital Economy In the context of the ongoing pandemic, digital technologies have become an integral part of our daily lives–even more than they already were. Across our interactions in the workplace, our cultural consumption and leisure time activities, and our social ties to friends and family, the digital economy has become increasingly central. In addition to heightening […] Women and Gender in Socio-Economics The issue of gender runs through the field of socio-economics—across disciplinary boundaries, subfields, methods, and specialties. Whether you study the low-wage workforce, the welfare state, the finance industry, international development, types of economic exchange, or the role of algorithms in contemporary society, you can consider the issue of gender and, in doing so, unearth new […] SASE Annual Conference Goes Virtual SASE's 32nd Annual Meeting "Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution" 18-21 July 2020 Social Sciences and COVID-19 Here is an excellent collection of texts about COVID-19 by researchers from the CSO (Centre de Sociologie des Organisations) in Paris Marta Castilho Dispatches From the SASE Community on Living with the Pandemic Clemente Ruiz Durán Dispatches From the SASE Community on Living with the Pandemic We Must Fight Face Surveillance to Protect Black Lives An urgent letter from the Algorithmic Justice League Public Thinker: Nancy K. Miller on Feminist Lives Thinking in public demands knowledge, eloquence, and courage. In this interview series, we hear from public scholars about how they found their path and how they communicate to a wide audience. Why Economics Needs More Black Women Sometimes, movements begin with a LinkedIn connection. That was the case when Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman, a former undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Pandemic lockdown holding back female academics, data show Unequal childcare burden blamed for fall in share of published research by women since schools shut, but funding bodies look to alleviate career impact. An Excerpt from “We Are All Fast-Food Workers Now” The following is an excerpt from Annelise Orleck’s “We Are All Fast-Food Workers Now”: The Global Uprising Against Poverty Wages (Beacon Press, 2018). Women doing more childcare under lockdown but men more likely to feel their jobs are suffering Women in the UK are doing more childcare under lockdown – but men are more likely to say their caring or domestic responsibilities are negatively impacting their paid jobs. Leading the charge to give citizens — and workers — a real say Author argues it is unjust, for instance, that store clerks and nurses toiling on the pandemic’s frontlines have no influence on decisions that put their health at risk. The Domestic Gaze, a feminist video series A new feminist video series from Columbia University, Paris. Why a Sociology of Pandemics? A focus of attention and resources on medicine and biomedical science tells less than half the story of how societies identify new diseases, how they respond and what the consequences might be.  Dingwell writes about the sociological relevance of new diseases and the different research approaches taken by scholars working in this area.  Covid-19 fallout takes higher toll on women “Care” remains women’s work. New Gender Conceptions: What Trans Kids and Their Parents Can Teach Us about the Self, the Body, and the Enduring Significance of Gender to Our Lives Author began the project by interviewing trans kids but pivoted to parents, doctors, trans advocates,and psychologists. Women in Power: it’s a matter of life and death Striking Statistics on Women Leaders. Women and minority researchers have more original ideas, but white men are rewarded faster The paradox states that, while diversity breeds innovation and creativity, the underrepresented groups that bring such assets to organizations have less successful careers within them. A Short History of Black Women and Police Violence Historian Keisha N. Blain writes that while African American men bear the brunt of police abuse, African American women have a long history of being victims of police violence as well. Covid-19 crisis could set women back decades, experts fear The coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating effect on gender equality and could set women back decades. COVID-19 Resources For Sociologists Every day we face new challenges related to COVID-19. ASA wants to help you navigate those challenges. Mothers in Academia: overworked and in greater precarity Working paper, University Teluq. Beyond Backlash: How Gender Discourse Reaggregates Conservatisms The focus of this text is on how the anti-gender equality agenda in Brazil is helping reassemble contemporary conservative discourses. The Coronavirus Slayer! How Kerala’s Rock Star Health Minister Helped Save it from Covid-19 KK Shailaja has been hailed as the reason a state of 35 million people has only lost four to the virus. Here’s how the former teacher did it. How are mothers and fathers balancing work and family under lockdown? In this report,  new data collected and examined since the end of April to investigate how this crisis has affected mothers and fathers in two-parent opposite-gender families.   UK Women Bear emotional Brunt of Covid-19 Turmoil – poll Results show women disproportionately affected by employment and risk concerns amid pandemic. Who Cares? Now, All of Us Must This labor force comprises over 90% women, and is disproportionately made up of women of color and immigrants. economic sociology_the european electronic newsletter Taxing inequality and fiscal sociology - Vol 21, No 2 | March 2020 ASA Newsletter – Spring 2020 Economic Sociology & Social Studies of Finance in Times of Pandemic 2020 SASE Election Results We are excited to announce SASE's new President-Elect and our new and re-elected Executive Council members! Julia Lynch Dispatches From the SASE Community on Living with the Pandemic