Announcing the winner of the inaugural SASE limerick contest!

With a grand total of 53 limericks submitted, the ad-hoc 2024 Limerick adjudication committee, consisting of Finbarr Murphy (Dean of Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick), Prof. Tony Dundon (Kemmy Business School), and Dr. Annelies Fryberger (SASE Executive Director), is proud to announce the winner and 3 honorable mentions of the 2024 inaugural SASE limerick contest! It is worth mentioning that humans won out over ChatGPT on this occasion.

A first honorable mention goes to Dr. Bob Turvey, for his notable discovery of the fact that ‘socio-economics’ rhymes with ‘gin and tonics’:

Since quinine, from transplanted trees,

Can make native plants absentees,


Views large gins and tonics

As the wrong way to cure a disease.

An additional honorable mention to Dr. Shann Turnbull, for his innovation to the poetic form, with the first and likely only instance of limericks with extensive footnotes. One example: 

Self-governance is thought impossible.

It makes economists implausible.

They have intellects like sieves,

But Nobel prizes it gives,

To Ostrom who proved it was possible[1].

[1] Ostrom, E. (2009), Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems,

For encapsulating the ethos of SASE, an honorable mention to Adam Hersko-RonaTas:

In Ireland a group of professors,

Some armed with stats and others just guessers,

Send Adam Smith straight to hell,

If they do their job well,

They’ll close gaps between greaters and lessers.

And finally, the 2024 inaugural limerick prize goes to Dr. Adam Hayes, with the challenge to include the word ’embeddedness’ in his next entry: 

With theories both classic and new,

We explore how we trade and accrue.

Through network embeddings,

and relational threadings,

How markets and meanings construe.

