2024 Call for Executive Council Nominations

Every year, SASE holds an election for one-third of the seats on its Executive Council. 

The SASE Nominations Committee now announces an open call for nominations. All current SASE members may nominate other scholars (SASE members and non-members alike) or themselves. 

The Nominations Committee will collect the names sent as well as names generated directly by the Committee itself; it will strive to maximize the diversity and balance of the ballot (and subsequently, of the Executive Council) by considering various factors, such as gender, ethnicity, national origin, seniority, geographic area of appointment, academic discipline, research field, and research methods.

In order for nominations to be considered for inclusion on the ballot, they must include the email address of the nominee (as potential nominees will need to be contacted by the Committee) and be sure that the nominator’s SASE membership is up-to-date (go here to join or renew: Join SASE! – SASE).

The vote will take place by virtual ballot before our next annual conference in Limerick, Ireland, 27-29 June 2024.

Nominations for Executive Council seats should be sent by email to one of the Nomination Committee members with the subject “SASE Call for Nominations.” 

To learn more about Executive Council membership duties, click here.

The deadline for sending nominations is: 16 February 2024.

SASE Nomination Committee 2023-2024:

Kevin Young [chair], University of Massachusetts Amherst, keviny@econs.umass.edu

Kim Pernell, University of Texas at Austin, kim.pernell@austin.utexas.edu

Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia, eg5n@virginia.edu


SASE is committed to providing a safe and welcoming conference environment for all participants, free from discrimination and harassment based, for example, on age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, or socioeconomic status. Our Annual Meeting is convened for the purposes of scholarly, educational, and professional exchange. Discrimination and harassment of colleagues, students, or other conference participants undermines shared principles of equity, free inquiry, and free expression – and is considered by SASE to be a serious form of professional misconduct.
