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Please note that the submission deadline has been extended to 29 October 2021
At the beginning of the 21st century, the Covid-19 pandemic has marked the future of humanity, exacerbating social problems in Latin America and abroad, and making it increasingly difficult to achieve general wellbeing in a context of greater contamination that aggravates the situation. Current generations face a singular health challenge that has had widespread effects on the various activities and living conditions of the population a new fact that has not only deepened old problems, but revealed new ones as well.
Although the origin of the problem is common the SARS-Cov-2 virus its impacts on different societies, nations, and regions of the planet are and will continue to be heterogeneous; likewise its effects on economies, social relations, well-being, and rights in the short-, medium-, and long-term.
At the beginning of this century, the region of Latin America was continuing to insert itself into the international economy, largely through the export of commodities. The financial crisis of 2008-2009, and then the pandemic, interrupted and reduced growth rates in several countries, while others were able to reduce the impact thanks to the diversity of their resources. Countries such as Argentina found themselves below the average growth rate of 1.8% and others, such as Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru, above.
From a social perspective, it has not been possible in recent decades to reduce the massive levels of poverty that affect a large part of the inhabitants of Latin America, nor to reduce the historical socio-economic inequality that has characterized it. And the reactions to the spread of the coronavirus have brought with them a weakening of social cohesion and greater expressions of discontent and vulnerability.
The high mortality, the huge demands on resources for public health, and the paralysis of the physical mobility of goods and people is taking a significant economic toll on all countries in the region. Relatedly, the closure of parts of industry and the reduction of international flights and transport, for example, have meant a decreased use of fossil fuels, which has contributed to reducing air pollution, leading to a degree of optimism regarding environmental sustainability. Such optimism, however, may well be temporary, since it is probable that pollution will begin where it left off upon reactivation.
From a political point of view, Latin America entered the 21st century after a period of expansion of democratic methods for the election of its governments, although in general this did not translate to more governance or the consolidation of states and laws. As such, democratic institutions in several Latin American countries appear to be undergoing processes of deconstruction.
In general, the prospects for economic reactivation both at the world level and in the Ibero-American continent as a whole depend, in the first instance, on the success of the dissemination of scientific advances to immunize the population. Following that, prospects depend on the implementation of economic and social policies that pursue more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development for the region.
Organizing Committe:
Rolando Cordera Campos es oriundo de Manzanillo, Colima, nació el 31 de enero de 1942.
Realizó su Licenciatura en Economía en la UNAM y sus estudios de posgrado en la London School of Economics, Inglaterra. Actualmente es coordinador del Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo (2011 – ).
Algunas de sus distinciones son el Premio Universidad Nacional en el área de Ciencias Económicas-Administrativas (1998); miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel III (2002); Profesor Emérito de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM (2007); Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (2010) y la Cátedra Raúl Prebisch de la CEPAL (2014).
Miembro del Instituto de Estudios para la Transición Democrática, de la Academia Mexicana de Economía Política, del Seminario de Cultura Mexicana y del Grupo Nuevo Curso de Desarrollo de la UNAM.
Colaborador semanal de La Jornada y El Financiero, miembro del consejo editorial de la revista EconomíaUnam y Director de la revista Configuraciones.
Autor y coordinador de varios libros, entre otros:
Cordera, R. y Provencio, E. (coords.), (2018) Informe del desarrollo en México. Propuestas estratégicas para el desarrollo 2019-2024, México: UNAM.
Cordera, R. (2017) La perenne desigualdad, México: FCE.
Cordera, R. (coord.) (2015) Más allá de la crisis. El reclamo del desarrollo, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Cordera, R. (2014) “Notas sobre desarrollo y globalización en América Latina”, en Máttar, J. y Perroti, D. E. (eds.), Planificación, prospectiva y gestión pública. Reflexiones para la agenda del desarrollo, Santiago de Chile: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe.
Cordera, R. (2014), “Reclamo a la democracia desde la justicia social”, en Vasconcelos, H. (coord.), Grandes retos del siglo XXI, México: UNAM, Colección Banquete.
Cordera, R. (2014) El desarrollo ayer y hoy: idea y utopía, México: UNAM-Facultad de Economía.
Cordera, R. y Murayama, C. (coords.), (2012) Los determinantes sociales de la salud en México, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica y UNAM-Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo.
Cordera, R. y Fuentes, M. (coords.), (2012) Cuarto Diálogo Nacional para un México Social, México: UNAM-Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo.
Cordera, R. y Tello, C. (2010) La disputa por la nación perspectivas y opciones de desarrollo, Segunda edición, México: Editorial Siglo XXI.
Cordera, R. (2009) Volver con la memoria, conversaciones con intelectuales, políticos y hombres de la ciencia, el arte y la cultura del siglo XX, México: Ediciones Cal y Arena.
Cordera, R. (selección de textos) (1981) Desarrollo y crisis de la economía mexicana: Ensayos de interpretación histórica, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis is Professor of Economics at the University of Chile – a position he has held since 1962. Ffrench-Davis received his PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago. His past positions include Director of Studies of the Central Bank of Chile, Principal Regional Advisor of ECLAC, Co-founder of CIEPLAN, and President of the United Nations Development Policy Committee. He has published 21 books, one hundred sixty articles, and received the Chilean National Award for Humanities and Social Sciences in 2005. His most recent book is Economic Reforms in Chile, 1973-2017 (Penguin Random House / Taurus, 2018 in Spanish and Palgrave, 2010, in English).
Félix Jimenez is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics at PUCP and Researcher at Renacyt-Concytec Carlos Monge Medrano III. His main research areas are Macroeconomics, Monetary Theory, Public Finance and Economic Growth. He is the author of several articles and books, including Elements of Macroeconomic Theory and Policy for an Open Economy (2 volumes); Macroeconomics. Approaches and models (2 volumes); Economic Growth: Approaches and Models; and The Peruvian Economy of the Last Half Century: Interpretation Essays.
Amy C. Offner is Associate Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies the history of the Americas with a focus on political economy, empire, and social and intellectual history. She is the author of Sorting Out the Mixed Economy: The Rise and Fall of Welfare and Developmental States in the Americas (Princeton, 2019), which won book prizes from SASE, the Economic History Society, the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, and the Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association. Her research has been supported by institutions including the ACLS, SSRC, Charles Warren Center at Harvard University, and the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.
Title: “External Vulnerability of Developing Countries in the Midst of the COVID-19 Crisis”
Daniela Magalhães Prates is Senior Economic Affairs Officer at UNCTAD and Associate Professor of Economics (on leave) at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil).
Her main areas of research are International Economics and Open Macroeconomics with focus on monetary and financial issues and developing countries. She has published many papers in academic journals (such as Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Review of Keynesian Economics, International Review of Applied Economics and ECLAC Review) and book chapters.
Chair: Laura Pérez Ortiz
Discussants: Alma Espino, Virginia Maquieira, Pilar Montero
Chair: Cristian Darío Castillo Robayo
Discussants: William Orlando Prieto Bustos, Gizette Lemus León, Sandro Eduardo Monsueto, and Jacobo Campo Robledo
Chair: Jorge Luis Delgado Salazar
Discussants: Segundo Camino-Mogro, Uriel Castillo, Erwin Guillén, and Carlos Manuel Recuay Condor
Chair: Ana Urraca
Discussants: Luciano Coutinho, Gabriela Dutrénit, Francisco Louçã, and Carlos Frederico Leão Rocha
Chair: Ana Viñas Apaolaza
Discussants: Hugo Barretto Ghione, Maria del Mar Alarcón Castellanos, Jorge Rosenbaum, and Jesús Cruz Villalon
Chair: Julimar da Silva Bichara
Discussants: Jorge Carrera, André Cunha, Barbara Fritz, and Gabriela Mordecki
SASE Member: Non-student registration | $ 50 |
SASE Member: Student registration | Free |
Non-SASE Member: Non-student registration | $ 75 |
Non-SASE Member: Student registration | $ 25 |
Academics and students from UNMSM School of Economics | Free |
Students from other Peruvian universities and collaborating universities | Free |
Auditor – SASE Member (if you are a SASE member and would like to audit the conference, please contact | Free |
Auditor – Non-SASE Member | $ 20 |
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