SASE Women and Gender (WAG) Forum

Sign up for the WAG mailing list here.

WAG has a LinkedIn group – feel free to join us!  


Guide for caregivers attending the 2025 SASE conference (pdf)


Upcoming WAG events:

Our yearly program is out! To increase the visibility of women and gender+ scholars and to create a network for exchange and collaboration, WAG has planned a series of online events over the coming months, as well as several on-site events in Montreal at the annual SASE conference.

  • 10th of April, 3pm CET: Empowering Caregivers in Academia: An Online Exchange

Academia remains a rather homogeneous field in terms of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and gender, as well as in regard to care obligations. Fortunately, these structures are gradually evolving. However, the current academic environment was not designed to accommodate individuals with care responsibilities, leading to numerous challenges and complexities for those who must balance these duties. We invite you to participate in this online networking event focused on this year’s SASE conference and conference participation in general. This virtual space aims to serve as a safe haven and a platform for allyship for and solidarity among individuals with care obligations, as well as for those without, who are committed to enhancing the academic landscape – because for a rich and innovative academia we need a diversity of perspectives.

If you are interested, please sign up:

  • 1-3 July @SASEs Virtual-Conference: Online Event on Ethnicity and Academia

As part of SASEs Virtual-Conference from the 1st to the 3rd of July, this WAG online event will focus on the question of intersectionality and academic structures and environments with respect to people of colour. 

  • 9th to 12th of July @SASE Annual Conference in Montreal

There are several events planned for the Annual Conference in Montreal. We will have our yearly dinner there, as well as our Open Assembly of Women and Gender Forum (WAG) and have Erin Cech as our invited keynote speaker. Everyone who is interested in gender equality in academia and the activities of the WAG Forum is welcome to attend these events. We are looking forward to seeing you there and stay tuned for the details! 

  • Autumn 2025

In autumn we plan to have an online event on the gender pay gap in academia which we will discuss together with structural barriers in academia for women and gender+ scholars. 

Check out the WAG Forum page to learn more about its mission, goals and committee members as well as WAG sponsored-events!


Past events:

  • WAG open meeting: Sep 23, 2024, 3pm CET
  • During the 2024 SASE conference:
  • June 20, 10-11:30am CET – Virtual event: Queer career paths in academic and non-academic organizations. With Joseph Charles Van Martre, Trude Sundberg, and Jasmin Joecks.
  • May 24, 4 pm CET, Adaptive Political Economy: Toward a New Paradigm – A Conversation with Yuen Yuen Ang”, moderated by Basak Kus and Elsa Clara Massoc.
  • May 3, 4-5 PM CET, “Politics and Sociology of Finance: New Books on the Block” with Basak Kus, Kim Pernell, Megan Tobias Neely.
  • April 17, 12:30 CET. WAG coffee hour. 
  • Ask Me Anything with Prof. Naila Kabeer – Virtual event – Thursday March, 28th, 17-18 CET
  • Ask Me Anything with SASE President Nina Bandelj – Virtual event – 25 January 2024, 17:00-18:00 CET.
  • 29 November 2023, 12:30-13:15 CET: virtual event – WAG Coffee Hour
  • 24 May 2023, 17-18:30 CET – virtual event: “Gender in the field of socio-economics – current and future perspectives/visions” – A presentation by Dr. Julia Bartosch of recent findings on publication patterns in the Socio-Economic Review, followed by a discussion to reflect on current practices. With the participation of SER chief editors Alya Guseva and Akos Rona-Tas, as well as SER editor Nina Bandelj. WATCH
  • July 12, 16-17:30 CET – virtual event: “Gender Inequalities in Academia” – Discussion on gender inequalities in academia and the challenges faced within this system. Details and registration here.
  • During the 2023 SASE conference:
    • July 19, 6:30-8:30pm: Informal WAG networking dinner. 
    • July 22, 10:30-12: A WAG discussion session, followed by an informal networking lunch (free for all participants).


General overview of the SASE Women and Gender Forum

The Women and Gender Forum at SASE (WAG), established in 2017, aims to combat gender inequality in SASE and the greater academic community, under the general aim of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in academia and society in general. Established in response to a pressing need for the representation of women and gender+ at different levels of leadership roles, we continue to support women and gender+ representation in SASE across research groups. The WAG forum is a space to increase visibility, amplify voices, and to build networks of women and gender+ researchers as well as those whose research is on women and gender+. We deal with various issues women and gender+ scholars face in academia, such as publishing challenges, work-life balance, leadership roles, or career progression. Knowing the mechanisms leading to inequalities, our focus is not only limited to gender, but also on supporting other marginalised groups (including ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, and different socio-economic classes). We aim to meet these goals through the following action points:   


  • Providing a space for the visibility of women and gender+ scholars and their work
  • Establishing a network of women and gender+ scholars as well as those whose research areas cover women and gender+ in SASE through networking events
  • Organising events to stimulate the discussions on the pressing issues faced in academia and beyond
  • Monitoring and supporting women’s and gender+ representation within SASE across research groups and at different leadership levels

If you have any suggestions as to what we can do as a forum, please feel free to get in touch with the committee members at

You can find recordings of select WAG events here.

Current WAG committee members are: Julia Bartosch (Radboud University), Theresa Hager (JKU Linz), Audrey Harroche (Oxford Brookes University/Sciences Po), Enja Marie Herdejürgen (Paderborn University), Lucilene Morandi (UFF Brazil), and Hyojin Seo (KU Leuven).

WAG was established in 2017 by Dorottya Sallai and its committee members consisted of Sarah Ashwin, Chiara Benassi, Virginia L Doellgast, Jacqueline O’Reilly, and Caroline Ruiner.