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Featured Blog

BlogThe SASE blog features articles created by a dynamic group of graduate students and early career scholars from both sides of the Atlantic, aided and abetted by the SASE staff. New posts are published at least once a month, and often more frequently.
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economic sociology_the european website
Newslettereconomic sociology_the european is a great electronic newsletter published three times a year

Digit blog
BlogViews and analysis from the community at the Digit Futures at Work Research Centre on how digital technologies are changing work.

Economic Sociology and Political Economy
BlogThe global community of researchers, students and activists interested in Economic Sociology and Political Economy.

Economic Sociology Section of the ASA
BlogEconomic Sociology is a section of the American Sociological Association.

Crooked Timber
BlogA widely-read Community Blog with regular contributors including SASE members Henry Farrell and Kieran Healy.

Consider the Evidence
BlogA blog by SASE member Lane Kenworthy, a professor of sociology and political science at University of California, San Diego

Social Europe Journal
JournalThinkers and decision-makers of the highest calibre

Socializing Finance
BlogBlog on the social studies of finance, with contributors including Martha Poon, Fabian Muniesa, and Zsuzsanna Vargh

Governance Across Borders
BlogEditors and regular contributors include Sigrid Quack, Sabrina Zajak, Olga Malets, and Elka Schüßler

Centre de Sociologie des Organisations
Research InstitutionA world-class research institution and home to SASE headquarters

Observatory for Responsible Innovation
Think TankIndependent international think tank focused on fostering responsibility in innovation
BlogAnother community blog with regular contributors from the SASE crew, including Elizabeth Popp Berman, Kieran Healy, and Sean Safford

Foundation for European Economic Development
FoundationSeeking to promote broader and more relevant approaches to economics

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