Virginia Doellgast is the Anne Evans Estabrook Professor of Employment Relations and Dispute Resolution in the ILR School at Cornell University. Her research focuses on the comparative political economy of labor markets and labor unions, inequality, precarity, and democracy at work. She is currently studying the impact of digitalization and AI on job quality in in the ICT services industry and ‘just transitions’ to e-mobility in the auto industry, based on comparative research in the US, Canada, Germany, and Norway.
Virginia is author of Exit, Voice, and Solidarity (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Disintegrating Democracy at Work (Cornell University Press, 2012); and co-editor of International and Comparative Employment Relations (Sage, 2021) and Reconstructing Solidarity (Oxford University Press, 2018). She is also co-editor of the ILR Review, and has served on the editorial boards of British Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrielle Beziehungen, Socio-Economic Review, Transfer, Work, Employment and Society, and Work in the Global Economy.
Virginia has worked with diverse international research institutions, policy organizations, and labor unions in her research, teaching, and outreach. She is a Senior Research Fellow at the at the WSI-Hans Böckler Stiftung and has been a visiting scholar at Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmarkeds- og Organisationsstudier (FAOS), Freie Universität Berlin, Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail (LEST), Max Planck Institute für Gesellschaftsforschung (MPIfG), University of New South Wales (UNSW), and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB). She was previously a faculty member at the London School of Economics and Political Science and at King’s College London. Virginia has presented her research at over 20 practitioner-focused meetings or conferences, including those organized by the ILO, the European Commission, and UNI-ICTS. She has been interviewed on the BBC and NPR, and been quoted in articles in the Guardian, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.