Valeria Pulignano

Valeria Pulignano is Full Professor of Sociology at the Center for Sociological Research (CESO) at KU Leuven. She is PI of the ERC AdG ResPecTMe “
Resolving Precariousness: Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Precariousness Across the Paid/Unpaid Continuum” and Full Partner in the EU WorkYP “Working and Yet Poor”. Her research lies in employment (industrial) relations and labour markets, their changing nature and implications for voice at work and inequality. She published her work, among others, in the Work & Occupations, British Journal of Industrial Relations; Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Work, Employment and Society; European Journal of Industrial Relations; Journal of Industrial Relations; Economic and Industrial Democracy. Among her recent books Shifting Solidarities. (2020, Palgrave-MacMillan) with I. Van Hoyweghen and G. Meyers; Reconstructing Solidarity (2018, Oxford University Press) with V. Doellgast and N. Lillie.

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