Valeria Pulignano is Professor of Sociology, with expertise on work, employment (industrial) relations and labor markets and Francqui Research professor of Sociology at KU Leuven. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and a scholarly background in socio-economic studies. She is Coordinator of the RN17 Work, Employment and Industrial Relations at the European Sociological Association (ESA) and researcher at the Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), research fellow at Warwick University (UK) and LISER, Luxemburg. She is Editor of Work, Employment and Society, Associate Editor of Journal of Industrial Relations and former Chief-editor of Work, Employment & Organizations (Frontiers). Valeria’s research lies in work, employment (industrial) relations and labor markets, their changing nature and implications for voice at work and inequality as differences in wages, working conditions, job quality, precarity and wellbeing across different sectors and national settings. She is Winner of the James G. Scoville Award 2015 from LERA and she holds a Chair Jacques Leclerq at UCL. She has a forthcoming book with OUP on The Politics of Unpaid Labour. How can Unpaid Labour help to address inequality in Precarious Work. Among her recent books Shifting Solidarities. (2020, Palgrave-MacMillan) with I. Van Hoyweghen and G. Meyers; Reconstructing Solidarity (2018, Oxford University Press) with V. Doellgast and N. Lillie.
Valeria Pulignano