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Valentina De Marchi is Associate Professor in Business Strategy at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova. She is interested in environmental innovations and environmental upgrading, and on the evolution of Italian industrial districts and small and medium sized firms within global value chains. Her work has been published in journals such as Research Policy, European Journal of Development Research, Business Strategy & the Environment, International Business Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, European Planning Studies. She has recently co-edited the Routledge book Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation (2018) together with Eleonora Di Maria and Gary Gereffi. She has been visiting at the Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness at Duke University (USA); the Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark); the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Universitat Jaume I (Spain). She has been appointed Governing Responsible Business (GRB) Fellow at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) for 2018-2019. She is president of the GRONEN community (2020-2011).