Tony Edwards

Professor Tony Edwards became Head of the Department of Management at King’s College London in August 2014, having previously carried out a wide range of roles in the department since joining King’s in 2002. Tony’s research focuses on the management of labour in multinational companies. One strand of this work has examined the ways in which multinationals identify innovative practices in their international operations and subsequently diffuse these across the firm. Other strands have investigated the influence of the US business system on employment relations in American MNCs and the management of human resources during and after international mergers and acquisitions. Tony has been a lead researcher in the INTREPID network, a large international team of researchers that have carried out large-scale surveys of employment practice in multinationals in a range of countries, collaboration with a number of other national teams including China currently. Tony is also embarking on new research into ‘globalizing actors’ in multinational companies.

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