Stefan Sauer is an academic councilor at the Nuremberg Campus of Technology, Chair of Sociology (Technology—Labour—Society). He works as a sociologist with a special focus on self-organization and self-organizing, sustainability, project-based and team-based work as well as recognition and trust. After studying Sociology, Philosophy and Psychology at the LMU Munich, Warsaw University and Lublin Catholic University, he worked as a research fellow (2009–2015) and as a senior research fellow (2015–2018) at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISF) in Munich. During that time, he worked on many projects funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). He recently co-edited the book The Agile Imperative: Teams, Organizations and Society under Reconstruction? in the “Dynamics of Virtual Work” series. Currently he is part of the coordinating team in the Priority Programme (PP) 2267 on the digitalisation of the world of work.
Stefan Sauer