Sophie Baudet-Mochel is a Full-time Lecturer (‘Maître de Conférences’) at Paris 7 Diderot University, where she teaches Geography and Urban Planning. She is a member of Géographie-cités, a research centre dedicated to the study of cities and urban systems, combining theoretical and epistemological approches, qualitative and quantitative methods, and empirical and comparative procedures. She is specialized in analysing the interactions between health, environment and urban dynamics, with a focus on the recent evolution of the spatial distribution of health services in France, in terms of concenration and shrinkage, and inequalities of access to health services.
Recent publications/communications : Explorer la rétraction dans l’espace : les services de soins dans le système urbain français (Exploring the spatialities of urban degrowth : the case of healthcare services in the French urban system), L’espace géographique, 2015 (4), 369-380.
(With Pavard A. and Guérois M.) The dynamic of health care establishment since the late 1990s in France : is there a decrease ? Where ? Can it be explained by demographic evolutions ?, International Medical Geography Symposium 2017, Angers, 3-7 juillet 2017.