Shoba Arun

Shoba Arun is Reader in Work and Organization Studies at Essex Business School, University of Essex. Prior to joining Essex Business School, she was Professor of International Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University and at the University of Greenwich. Arun’s research interest in the field of sociology of work has a strong international and comparative dimension with expertise on emerging economies such as India and Africa in the nexus of their global work, neoliberal regimes, organizations and labor markets, migration, digital technology, and global value chains with a focus on social justice and well-being. She has been recently awarded a UKRI funded project exploring autonomy in the garment sector workplaces of Leicester and Dhaka, focusing on workplace control and autonomy. Her monograph Development and Gender Capital in India: Change, Continuity and Conflict in Kerala (Routledge, 2018) uses a feminist Bourdieusian frame of analysis of gender capital to examine gendered issues in the economy and society. Her latest (co)edited volume, Global Migration and Diversity of Educational Experiences in the Global South and North, published by Routledge, focuses on decolonizing migration studies. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the British Sociological Association and the Global Studies Association, United Kingdom. She serves on the Editorial Board of the British Sociological Association (BSA)’s Work, Employment and Society Journal.