Sarah Ashwin is Professor of Comparative Employment Relations at the London School of Economics.
In the first half of my career, my research focused labour and gender issues in Russia. My labour stream of research examined Russian workers’responses to economic collapse and the attempts of Russian trade unions to adapt to their new environment. My gender research analysed the Soviet gender order and its consequences for women’s employment and the gender division of domestic labour. I continue to research these themes, developing different aspects of gender theory by interrogating Russia’s stalled gender revolution. For example, recent articles have analysed gender and reciprocityand the male marriage wage premium. This research has been published in Gender & Society and Journal of Marriage and Family. I joined the editorial board of Gender & Society in January 2019.
In the last five years I have moved into research on international labour standards and corporate social responsibility. As part of an international research team, I am currently investigating the governance of global supply chains in the garment industry. I am working on papers examining the emergence of transnational industrial relations arrangements, as well as global labour governance via corporate social responsibility within the firm and multi-stakeholder initiatives beyond it.