Sabrina Axster is a doctoral student in Political Science at Johns Hopkins University. Her work focuses on the relationship between capitalism, policing, border controls, and racism and her broader academic interests include the study of migration, racial capitalism, comparative racial politics, and forms of state violence. In her doctoral research, Sabrina examines the linkages between incarceration, policing, and migration control by studying the history of immigration detention in Germany, Sweden and the UK. Her research, at its various stages, has received funding from the American Political Science Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service, the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, and various fellowships within Johns Hopkins University and she is currently a research guest at the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Sabrina holds an MS in Global Affairs from Rutgers University and an MSc in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Prior to embarking on her doctoral studies, Sabrina worked as research consultant at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Sabrina Axster