Sabine Pfeiffer has held the Chair of Sociology (Technology—Labour—Society) at the Nuremberg Campus of Technology at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg since 2018. Since the 1990s, her research has focused primarily on societal conditions and consequences due to the digital transformation. During her scientific career, Sabine Pfeiffer has successfully conceptualized and managed around 30 externally funded projects, sponsored by the BMBF, the EU, the DFG, and the Hans Böckler Foundation, among others. She is a member of several scientific advisory boards, such as the German platform “Industrie 4.0” or the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), and has served on the boards of international scientific conferences like T.A.S.K.S. or Human Computer Interaction. Currently she coordinates the Priority Programme (PP) 2267 funded by the German research association (DFG), which investigates the digitalisation of the world of work as a systemic transformation which will change all the institutional systems of working society in a fundamental and lasting way.
Sabine Pfeiffer