Renata Bichir graduated in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2002), Master in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (2006) and PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ (2011), and a short-term scholar in Berkeley (2009). Between 2011 and 2013, I was general coordinator in the Department of Evaluation of the Secretariat for Evaluation and Information Management of the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (SAGI / MDS). Since 2013, I have been a professor in the undergraduate and graduate courses in Public Policy Management at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH / USP) and professor in the graduate program in Political Science at DCP / USP. Since December 2020, I coordinate the Master’s Program in Public Policy Management. Since July 2020, I have been working as research coordinator at the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM / Cepid / Fapesp), where I have worked as a researcher since 2001. My research interests include the following themes: social policies, poverty, conditional cash transfer programs, federative coordination, multilevel governance, intersectoriality and social network analysis.
Renata Bichir