Peter Matanle is Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies and Director of Research and Innovation at the University of Sheffield’s School of East Asian Studies. Peter’s research interests are in the social and cultural geography of East Asian development. Within this area, his focus has been on: population, environment, and regional development in post-industrial society ; the theory and practice of permanent employment in large organizations ; and representations of gender at work in popular culture.
Recently published : Towards an Asia-Pacific ‘Depopulation Dividend’ in the 21st Century: Regional Growth and Shrinkage in Japan and New Zealand, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 2017, 15(6).
(Co-Authored with Ishiguro, K. and McCann, L.) Popular Culture and Workplace Gendering Among Varieties of Capitalism : Working Women and their Representation in Japanese Manga, Gender, Work and Organization, 21(5) : 472-489.