Paola Ometto
A: Community, Democracy, and Organizations

Paola Ometto is an Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business Administration at California State University San Marcos. She is passionate about how organizations can be sources for a more environmentally sustainable and socially just world. She researches how communities, social movements, and institutional factors impact entrepreneurship and organizations. Empirically, she studies cooperatives, social enterprises, moral markets, and entrepreneurship in Brazil and North America. Prior to joining CSUSM, she received her Ph.D. in Strategic Management and Organization from the Alberta Business School (University at Alberta) and a Ph.D. in Public Administration from FGV-EAESP (São Paulo – Brazil). She has received a National Science Foundation grant to study multi-cultural and underserved communities engaging in entrepreneurship. Her work has been published at Business & Society, Research in the Sociology of Organizations as well as other journals.

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This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 18/19
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This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 17/18
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