Nicole Helmerich is a post-doctoral researcher at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Germany. Prior to that, Nicole was researcher at the Free University Berlin, and a visiting researcher at University of Washington, Seattle. Nicole holds a PhD in International Relations from the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS), Free University Berlin. Her publications are concerned with the role of business in transnational governance, transnational private regulation, corporate responsibility and transnational workers’ rights. She heads a research project on workers’ voice in transnational European firms and good corporate governance and a data set project on the same topic. Her most recent book ‘Sustainability Politics and Limited Statehood’ with A. Esguerra and T. Risse is on public-private partnerships, multi-stakeholder initiatives, and market-based instruments in sustainability governance. The authors critically examine the performance of new modes of governance in areas of limited statehood, drawing on a range of in-depth case studies on issues of climate change, biodiversity, and health.