Nadya Araujo Guimarães

Nadya Araujo Guimarães is a Senior Professor at the University of São Paulo Department of Sociology. She is also a Senior Researcher associated to CEBRAP (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning), and a regular member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.  She received her Ph.D. at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1983) and did post-doctoral studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Special Program on Urban and Regional Studies for Developing Areas (1993-1994).  

She was Visiting Associate Professor at the Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University (2007-08), “Professeur Invité” at the Université de Paris 8 Sociology Department (March 2012), Distinguished Lemann Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Spring 2018), and “Professeur Invité” at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (January 2019).

She has been researching on the Brazilian labor market focusing on economic change and workers trajectories; comparative studies on unemployment, employment flexibility and labor market intermediaries; gender/race inequalities; care and care workers.  She recently published:  

  • Care and Care Workers. A Latin American Perspective. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021 (co-edited with H. Hirata)
  • O Gênero do Cuidado. Desigualdades, Significações e Identidades. Paulo: Ateliê, 2020 (co-authored with H. Hirata)
  • El Cuidado en América Latina. Mirando a los casos de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia y Uruguay. Buenos Aires: Ed. Medifé, 2020 (co-edited with H. Hirata)
  • Genre, race, classe. Travailler en France et au Brésil.  Paris: L’Harmattan, 2016 (co-edited with M. Maruani and B. Sorj)
  • Être chômeur à Paris, São Paulo et Tokyo. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2013 (co-authored with D.Demazière, H. Hirata, K. Sugita)

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