Dr Merve Sancak is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Institute for International Management at Loughborough University London. Her research sits at the intersection of comparative political economy, international political economy, and economic sociology. She is interested in understanding how national and international political and economic dynamics intersect and affect economic activity, and particularly the role of the state and national politics in mediating the impact of global dynamics. Her current work investigates the international linkages of labour markets in late industrialising countries, and the implications of this for employment relations. Her research has been funded by British Academy, Global Development Network, Cambridge Political Economy Society, and the Mexican Agency for International Development. Her recent book Global Production, National Institutions, and Skill Formation (2022) was published Oxford University Press. Her articles have been published by Review of International Political Economy, Competition & Change, and Global Networks. She holds a PhD in Economic Sociology from the University of Cambridge.
Merve Sancak