Megan Tobias Neely

Megan Tobias Neely is Assistant Professor in the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School and a faculty affiliate of Stanford University’s VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab. She studies workplace and economic inequality through the lens of gender, race, and social class. Her current research investigates how social inequality influences access to capital in some of the wealthiest industries in the United States, including the hedge fund, venture capital, technology startup, and artificial intelligence spaces. Her recent book, Hedged Out: Inequality and Insecurity on Wall Street (2022, University of California Press), presents an insider’s look at the notoriously rich, powerful, and secretive U.S. hedge fund industry. Her work has also been published in the Annual Review of Sociology, Socio-Economic Review, American Behavioral Scientist, Qualitative Sociology, Sociology Compass, and Social Currents.