Maurício Reinert

Maurício Reinert is an Associate Professor at the State University of Maringá/Brazil. He served as Head of Department and Graduate Program Coordinator in the Business School at the same university, was visiting researcher at the Sociology of Markets Research Group in Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftforschung – Cologne, and visiting researcher in the Department of Sociology at the University of Michigan. He has been participating in the SASE conference since 2013. His research interest is in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Markets. He is an associate editor at Mackenzie Management Review (Brazil) and at Journal of Business Management – EAESP/FGV (Brazil). Currently, he serves as a working group leader (Markets, Organizations, and Institutions) at the Organization Studies division of the Brazilian National Association of Postgraduation and Research in Administration (ANPAD). He has a Ph.D. in Business Administration at EAESP-FGV/Brazil.

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