Marcus Gomes is a lecturer at Cardiff Business School at Cardiff University, UK. He has previously worked at Exeter Business School (UK) and FGV-EAESP (Brazil). He has a PhD from FGV-EAESP, where he was a senior research fellow at the Public Management and Government Research Centre (FGV-CEAPG). He is an alumnus from the GW4 Crucible 2018 Programme for Future Research Leaders on Resilience, Environment, and Sustainability. His research focuses on how organizations influence their context through discourses and meanings. Under this perspective, Marcus researches the governance of sustainability, focusing on negotiation and contestations between civil society, corporations and the state, examining how business elites and populism has been shaping these relationships. He is associate editor of a RAE – a leading Latin American journal. His research has been published at a wide range of journals, including leading Latin American journals – where he started his career –, such as Organizations, Research in Sociology of Organizations, Revista de Adminsitração Publica (RAP), Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC), Revista de Adminsitração de Empresas (RAE).