A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society
Marc Schneiberg, the John C. Pock Professor of Sociology at Reed College, is an economic and organizational sociologist who research focuses mainly on the rise, contemporary fates, and economic consequences of organizational diversity and alternatives to giant, shareholder corporations within American capitalism. He has studied the evolution of cooperative and other alternative enterprise systems in the US, including electrical and agricultural cooperatives, insurance mutuals, community banks, and credit unions. He has also addressed how such systems can help reshape markets, subject corporations to countervailing forces, and foster both resilience and shared prosperities in local economies. With National Science Foundation support, he is currently studying organizational variety within American banking and how it combined with state policy to channel flows of loans away from—and in to—small business in poor and minority communities during the pandemic. Schneiberg also has long standing interests in institutions and their relationships with social movements, and in economic governance, including association, regulation and self-regulation in American manufacturing and finance. He has been honored to serve in various capacities in the American Sociological Association, the NSF and the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics. His work can be accessed on his webpage.