Liz McFall is Director of GovTech and Chancellor’s Fellow based in the Edinburgh Futures Institute and Sociology at the University of Edinburgh.
My research focuses on how consumer markets are made, especially for dull, difficult and politically challenging products including life and health insurance and payday loans. I am currently exploring the impact of data-driven innovations in insurtech and the arts, heritage and visitor economies. I have been involved in establishing the field of market studies through organising events, collective publications and conference streams at EGOS and the ISA for many years. The 2017 edited collection Markets and the Arts of Attachment (Routledge, Cochoy, Deville, McFall [eds.]) arose from these discussions as did The Limits of Performativity and a series of journal special issues. I co-founded the Journal of Cultural Economy in 2007 and am currently Editor-in-Chief. I am also a member of Valuation Studies editorial board and recently joined the editorial collective behind the Limn publishing project. I am the author of Devising Consumption: cultural economies of insurance, credit and spending (Routledge, 2014) and Advertising: a cultural economy (Sage 2004).