Laura Sartori is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna. She studies innovation, money, and disasters. She has an on-going interest for the social and political implications of ICT’s: from digital divide and digital inequalities to more recent algorithmic inequalities. Current projects are about Complementary currencies (Sardex and other regional Italian mutual credit circuits) and Sociology of disasters and social innovation. She published “La società dell’informazione” (Il Mulino, 2012), “The Political Party as a Network of Cleavages: Disclosing the Inner Structure of Italian Political Parties in the Seventies”, (with P. Parigi, Social networks, 2014), “From complementary currency to institution: A micro-macro study of the Sardex mutual credit system” (with P. Dini, 2016); “Social Innovation and natural disasters: the case of the Casa Italia Plan” (2017); “The Social Roots of Political Inequality: Structural and Cultural Constraints on Women’s Political Participation” (in Social Politics (2017). She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento (2002). She has been research fellow at Columbia University, Stanford University and London School of Economic. She is Editor of Polis, a Journal on social and political research.