Kevin Young

Kevin L Young Kevin L Young is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Kevin’s research focuses on the international political economy of finance and financial regulation, business power and interest group lobbying, and elite networks. He is currently working on a large project on race and gender dynamics among global elite networks, especially among leaderships of large corporations, international organizations and think tanks. Kevin’s work has featured in a variety of journals, including Review of International Political EconomyGlobal NetworksJournal of European Public Policy, Public Administration, Regulation and GovernanceInternational Studies QuarterlySocio-Economic Review and others. He is the author (with Thomas Hale and David Held) of Gridlock: Why Global Cooperation is Failing When We Need it Most (Polity, 2013). Kevin was educated in Canada, Germany and the UK, and obtained a Ph.D. from The London School of Economics (LSE) in 2010. He has been a SASE member since 2015 and has been a longtime Steering Committee member of the Progressive Economics Forum, Canada, and is on the incoming Editorial Board of Review of International Political Economy.

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