Jürgen Kaedtler

Jürgen Kaedtler is executive director of the Sociological Research Institute Goettingen (SOFI) and extraordinary professor at the Georg-August-University at Goettingen. He has worked on labor sociology, industrial relations and innovation for many years, with a special focus on the implications of globalization and financialization in these fields. Besides books and papers on these subjects he co-authored conceptual and resuming chapters of the “Second Report on Socioeconomic Development in Germany – Participation in Transformation” (soeb 2) with Nicole Mayer-Ahuja and Peter Bartelheimer. Currently, he is participating in the third phase of the transdisciplinary research network “Reporting on socioeconomic development in Germany”

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SASE Winter Newsletter 18/19
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This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 17/18
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