John Zysman is Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley. He was co-founder, and remains co-director, of the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE).
Recent books include: The Third Globalization: Can Rich Countries Stay Wealthy in a Changing Global Economy? (Oxford University Press) and Can Green Sustain Growth: From the Religion to the Reality of sustainable prosperity: Energy systems transformation for sustainable prosperity (Stanford University Press).
His earlier work includes: Governments Markets and Growth: Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change; American Industry in International Competition (with Laura Tyson); Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-industrial Economy; and Political Strategies for Industrial Order: State Market and Industry in France, published in French as L’industrie Francaise Entre Marche et L’Etat
His current work focuses on the “platform economy”, the foundations of green technology, and the dynamics of current trade policy and trade negotiations.