Johanna Commander is a Research Fellow with the Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER) within the Department of Human Resource Management, University of Strathclyde Business School. She has published on numerous projects including the work and undervaluation of school classroom assistants (with Warhurst, Nickson, Gilbert and Hurrell), the impact of capital relationships and lean production on job quality in the supermarket supply chain (with Newsome and Thompson), and the deployment of graduate skills in the ‘graduatised industry’ of UK estate agency (with James, Warhurst and Tholen). Other work has focused on the aesthetic skill requirements of retail workers (with Warhurst and Nickson), and the low-waged work and employment of hotel room attendants as part of the RSF Low-Wage Work in the UK project. She co-organized the ESRC seminar series on ‘Making Bad Jobs Better’ 2009-11 and more recently worked with Findlay on research commissioned by the STUC looking at the role of unions in effective skills utilisation. Current work includes the impact of lean technologies on job quality in the NHS (with SCER), and the capacity within Scottish companies to engage in human resource development (with SKOPE, Universities of Oxford and Cardiff). She is also undertaking her doctoral research which examines strategic approaches to managing and developing workers in the creative industries.