Professor Ian Thomson is the Director of the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business at Birmingham Business School.
Prior, Ian has been researching responsible business, sustainability, and accountability since 1990. This research has included cleaner technology, industrial ecologies, stakeholder engagement, risk governance in water and salmon farming, sustainable development indicators, government policy making, climate change, accounting and activism, human rights abuse and international development. His current projects include responsible and ethical accountability and data use, citizen accounting, carbon accountability social media, football club financing and responsible business benchmarking and transformation.
He has advised various Scottish Parliament’s committees, worked with Sustainable Development Commission (Scotland), The Princes Charity, Business in the Community and UN World Food Programme. He is convener of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research, a network of over 200 international scholars. Prior to joining University of Birmingham he was Professor of Accounting at Heriot-Watt University, Strathclyde Business School.