Ian Greer is a Senior Research Associate in Cornell University’s ILR school. Prior to this, he worked for nearly 10 years based in England, first as a Research Fellow at Leeds University and then as Professor of Comparative Employment Relations and Director of the Work and Employment Research Unit at the University of Greenwich. He has had visiting positions in Aix-en-Provence, Berlin, Cologne, Chemnitz, Jena, Paris, and Sydney.
He first encountered the world of work in summer jobs as field laborer, factory worker, and call center agent in Washington State. After undergraduate study at Bard College, he spent a year in Berlin on a Fulbright grant. Before coming to academia he worked for the Seattle Musicians Association, the Service Employees International Union Local 250, and the New England Regional Council of Carpenters. He completed his PhD at the ILR School in 2005.
See his webpage for more information.