Heidemarie Hanekop is senior researcher at the Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen and the Göttingen Center of Digital Humanities (GCDH). She studied Sociology and Computer Science. For more than fifteen years she has been working on internet enabled innovations. In various empirical studies she has analyzed diffusion and adoption processes of Internet technologies from a sociological perspective. Her special emphasis is on user-driven innovations and the new role of users and customers as co-producers on the internet.
She is author of several articles and book chapters on internet and user-driven innovations, open source, user-generated web 2.0 services and the new of role of customers. Recent publications include “Customers working for customers: Collaborative Web 2.0 services” (in Dunkel & Kleemann (eds.)(2013): Customers at Work, Palgrave MacMillan) and “New Forms of Collaborative Innovation and Production on the Internet” (University Press Goettingen, 2011, with Volker Wittke). Her current research project is on collaborative forms of innovation and distributed knowledge creation in the IT industry with a special interest in open source ecosystems.