Georg Wolfmayr studied European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology in Graz and received his PhD from the University of Vienna in 2017 with the ethnographic work about scaling and culturalization processes in a medium-sized city “Wels. It could have been worse”. In search of the good place to live between city and country in times of culturalization. From 2010 to 2017, he was a research assistant at the Institute of European Ethnology at the University of Vienna and project collaborator in the research project Mittelstädtische Urbanitäten. Ethnographic Urban Research in Wels and Hildesheim. Currently, he is working on spatial aspects of competition and practices of competitiveness within the FWF Zukunftskolleg SPACE – Spatial Competition and Economic Policies: Discourses, Institutions and Practices. His main research interests are urban anthropology, housing research, economic anthropology, spatial competitions, ethnography, culturalization research.
Georg Wolfmayr