Gary Herrigel
Gary Herrigel is the Paul Klapper Professor in the College and Division of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. He is a member of both the Political Science (primary) and the Sociology (courtesy) departments. Herrigel has published widely on industrial change and economic development in Europe, the United States, Japan and China. His work is qualitative, combining historical analysis, ethnography and interview-based case studies with social theoretical concerns for relationality and process. Herrigel’s academic publications have ranged across a variety of disciplines, including sociology, business strategy, business history, industrial relations, regulation studies, economic geography and comparative political economy. He has held visiting fellowships at MIT, the Copenhagen Business School, the Universität Heidelberg, Wuhan University, NHH – Norwegian School of Economics and the Georg-August Universität Göttingen. Along with many articles and book chapters, he is author of: Industrial Constructions. The Sources of German Industrial Power (Cambridge University Press, 1996); Manufacturing Possibilities. Creative Action and Industrial Recomposition in the US, Germany and Japan (Oxford University Press, 2010); and Globale Qualitätsproduktion deutscher Unternehmen. Transnationale Produktionssysteme in der Automobilzulieferindustrie und im Maschinenbau (with Ulrich Voskamp and Volker Wittke, Campus Verlag, 2017).