Flavio Gaitan is a Post doctoral fellow IESP-UERJ (Institute of Social and Political Studies, State University of Rio de Janeiro), PhD IUPERJ (Research University Institute of Rio de Janeiro), Researcher of INCT-PPED (National Institute of Science and Technology “Public Policies, Strategies and Development”). He has published articles in Journals and book chapters. His areas of interest include developmental state, development strategies, social protection, articulation between production regime and welfare state and role of strategic elites in dynamics of development. Among his latest publications are Legacies of excludent development: inequality and poverty in peripheral South American capitalism (in Arzate Salgado, Gutierrez & Huamán, Poverty Reproduction in Latin America, CLACSO-CROP, 2011) and Politics and Development: Lessons from Latin America (with Renato Boschi, in Boschi & Santana,Development and semi-periphery, Anthem Press, 2012).