Emily Barman
Emily Barman

Emily Barman is an associate professor of sociology at Boston University. Her research interests include economic sociology, organizational theory, and nonprofit studies from a historical-comparative perspective. Her current book, Caring Capitalism: The Meaning and Measure of Social Value (Cambridge University Press, 2016), examines the consequences of the emergence of market-based solutions to social and environmental problems for understandings of social value. Other publications include the award- winning Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity (Stanford University Press, 2006) and articles in American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Management Studies, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, and Social Science History, among others. She sits as a council member of the Economic Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association and was an elected member of the Board of Directors for the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Associations.

This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 18/19
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This article is taken from
SASE Winter Newsletter 17/18
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